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"how are you and the babe doing" Helena asked Sierra who was heavily pregnant and eating many cookies that were stacked on her stomach Sierra looked down towards the floor where Helena and Cassie sat with their children accept for Helena and Cregans youngest twins Malora and Valen who were asleep in Helena's chambers as it was nap time

"the Maester says the babe is doing well kicking a lot and whishes to enter the world I on the other hand am going insane Roan is very helpful but I always want either cookies or my husband without cloths and I always have to pee what is with that" Sierra expressed groaning as she felt the babe kick her before glaring at the two ladies who laughed

"well we both understand all those things" Cassie said leaning back as she smiled at the stark girl before pretending to make a wooden bird fly before falling making the little ones giggle

Sierra listened to her nephew Viserys talk about all the types of dragons with a small smile before looking towards Helena who gasped before quickly standing up pulling her children behind her Cassie doing the same

"Arik come here now" Cassie said holding her hand out as her daughter rose held the skirt of her dress but before he could get to him mother he was grabbed

"who are you" Cassie asked looking at the four men who somehow entered her children's play chambers "let him go now" she demanded

" were no one just a few men with a job to do and no were not letting him go Arik was it" the largest man answered as he took a step closer to them dragging the boy closer to him making him whimper

"I am your queen and I demand you to let my son go " Cassie demanded her tone stern and unwavering regardless of the fear she felt

"mama" her son whispered scared as the mans grip tightened on his arm

"I wouldn't scream if I were no one will hear we made sure of that there is no guards out their at least non that are alive" another man said to Sierra after seeing her glance at the door now holding Viserys behind her

"want do you want" Helena asked quietly wishing for her husband and brothers to come and save them

"your sons well their heads, were just following orders I am sure you understand" the man answered

"who's orders" Cassie asked glaring hatefully at the man begging that her husband would come and find them

"Queen Rhaenyra was the one who gave the orders" the man answered smirking as he pulled a dagger from his belt making Cassie step forward quickly "stop stop please" she yelled out making the man stop and look at her

"anything I will give you anything money land your own damn castle just please leave our children alone leave my son alone" she offered making them falter slightly and share a look before the main man shook his head "grab them" he ordered making the three men rush at them each one grabbing one of the ladies holding them in by the hair and dagger to their throats their children screaming in fear

Helena whimpered in pain and fear and the man smelt her neck whispering about how sweet she smelt "it is ok baby it is ok just listen to them ok" Helena whispered to her children who were hugging each other tightly Viserys held Rose tightly as Arik sobbed in fear as he dagger near his neck made a small nick

"get away from him you fucking bastard you touch one hair on his head and I will kill you my self" Cassie shouted trying to get away from the bastard who held her back only to receive a harsh back hand sending her to the floor

"Cassie" Helena and Sierra shouted as Viserys, Arik and Rose shouted for their mother as she was ripped up harshly making her nearly trip as she was pulled to stand back up she watched as the man pushed her son away from him letting him run to her other children, niece and nephew

"I'll do you a favor and let you choose" the man said with a sinister smile as he plopped down on the couch sighing in comfort

"choose?" Cassie whispered confused glaring at the man her heart beating faster as she listened to her children's heartbreaking sobs not knowing the queens most trusted guard Talia saw the dead guard's at the door and heard the children's and rushed to find the king


"hey stop you cant just barge in there" a guard shouted trying to stop Talia who ended up pushing him while saying the queen and her children were in danger making him stop trying to stop her from entering the room where the king was and opened the door for her

" what is it" Aegon asked as he looked up from the table he was in a council meeting going over all the houses who have reached out saying they denied Rhaenyra's attempts to take the throne and have more allies

"I am not sure your grace but the guards at your children's pay chambers are dead I could here the children crying I rushed here as soon as I saw it Queen Cassie Princess Helena and Princess Sierra and their children were all in the chambers only an hour before" the maid said as she breathed heavily

Aegon, Roan, Cregan, Aemond and Daemon jumped out of their seats rushing out of the room they ran through the halls trying to get to the other side of the castle in time hoping they weren't to late

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now