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her dress and hair

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her dress and hair


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When Rosalie woke she was alone and the bed was cold making her get out and get dressed she sat down to do her hair but her attention went to her father as he walked into her tent

" hi father how are you today," she asked standing up to kiss his cheek

"hi my little flower I am well today how about you and the little one" he asked rubbing her stomach his lips twitching into a soft smile when he felt a soft kick

"active and craving toast with jam," she said sitting back down

" has Rhaenyra returned," she asked

"no, she has not," Otto told her

"well I hope she is ok" she muttered

"you amaze me my dear she has been nothing but rude and hateful towards you yet you still wish her well" Otto muttered looking at her

"she has lost her mother I know he has always hated me but she is still mourning and her father has fallen in love and remarried someone she hates I have given my husband a son she fears for her position as heir I understand her anger," she said

"do you wish for Aegon to be king it is his birthright as he is the king's son," Otto asked not knowing Viserys was listening

"Yes it is my son's birthright and as the king first born son it is his duty to carry on the Targaryen name as well as any other sons I have and in tradition, Aegon would be his heir but I support Viserys and his choices but I do worry," she said trailing off at the end

"worry for what Rosalie" Otto asked

" Rhaenyra hates me Father I see the way she glares at Aegon at my stomach with my babe in it she didn't hesitate to push me she practically threatened me in the carriage I do not wish to think of the day Viserys dies because I love him so much and can not bare to think of a day without him but when he does pass I fear for what Rhaenyra will do to our children, just them breathing is a threat to her to her claim on the throne"

"you think Rhaenyra will kill them," Otto said hating the scared look she had on her face as she tried not to cry "I don't know what to think whether she kills them herself or orders their death she has not given me any reason to think otherwise" She countered

"talk with the king he is your husband he loves you he will listen to you my dear he loves Aegon" Otto advised

"I know I will Father" Viserys heart broke hearing the fear and pain in her voice he walked away to find his son

"Aegon my boy let's go see mama," he said picking Aegon up and making the young boy clap his hands yelling "Mama mama"

"mama" Aegon yelled as Viserys held him up smiling "Yes that is your mama let us go to her" Viserys whispered as he walked to his wife

" hi my little dragon," she said taking him from Viserys "Hello my love," he said kissing Rosalie on her lips making her smile

"Are you alright my sweet rose?" he asked

"I am in your arms with our son of course I am," she said kissing Aegons head again


Viserys and Otto sat at a table talking and joking around while others ate talked or took care of the kills mainly ducks, rabbits, and boars before they saw Rosalie waddling over with Aegon

"she waddling more than she did with Aegon," Otto said chuckling slightly

"the maester said she is larger than normal he said we shouldn't worry she is a smaller lady the babe is most likely just larger and needs more nutrients but it feels like something else," Viserys said worry clear in his voice

"she is strong she can handle it," Otto said making him nod

"hello love little dragon," Viserys said tickling Aegon making him giggle "Come here you and I need to have some grandpa and grandson bonding time," Otto said taking Aegon sitting him on his lap as they talked and played Viserys pulled Rosalie onto his lap gently rubbing her stomach

"you need to relax my love," he said kissing her neck and making her melt and hum before their attention was caught by everyone growing quiet they looked to see Rhaenyra dismounting her horse, Rhaenyra walked past everyone covered in blood looking like a mess confusing everyone Ser cristal dismounted his horse and went to where he saw the queen and king

"your grace, my queen," he said bowing in respect "Ser cristion what happened?" Rosalie asked

"I found the princess we rode for a while before it started to get dark she refused to come back and I couldn't force her to nor could I leave her alone it got too dark so I made camp there and made a fire when two boars attacked the princess killed one we left shortly after your grace," he said scared of being punished

"thank you for keeping my daughter safe Ser Criston if you ever need anything let me know now go get cleaned up," Viserys said thanking the man

"thank your grace and of course," the knight said bowing before walking away again

"she was left alone Viserys with a man all night now I do not question his loyalty to his white cloak but many may try and make it seem like things happened in those woods to weaken her claim" Rosalie whispered so only she was heard

"I know my dear let us hope she did not just ruin her image she is aware of these things I made sure she was," he said angry that his daughter put her virtue in question because of a fit but even more angry that she came back as if she didn't push his heavily pregnant wife before she ran away in front of many people

(Rhaenyra did not see the White hart )

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