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The council sat around the table as the king walked in and sat down. "What is the meaning of this meeting, Otto?" Slightly annoyed, he was pulled away from his sweet beauty.

"Your Grace I feel the need to share this with you: Last night, Prince Daemon bought out a pleasure house on the street of silk to entertain officers of the city watch and some friends of his," Otto said tensely while looking at Viserys, who looked very confused.

"Okay, so he bought some whore houses for the night, so what?" Viserys asked.

"He toasted Prince Baelon to the King's son, naming him the 'Heir for the day'" Otto said tensely

"I have multiple witnesses that all said the same thing, which was that they all said the evening was no doubt a celebration," he finished looking down at the table.

"This meeting is over," Viserys said angrily, standing up and storming out of the room.

"Find Prince Daemon and bring him to the throne room now" was the last thing everyone heard from the king as the doors shut.


Viserys sat on the throne, trying to control his anger as the doors opened and Daemon walked in, walking cockily.

"You cut the image of the conqueror, brother," Daemon said as he walked up close to the iron throne.

"Did you say it?" Viserys demanded to know

"I don't know what you mean," Daemon replied as casually as he could, knowing exactly what he wished to know.

"You will address me as Your Grace, or I will have my king's guard cut out your tongue," Visery warned.

"The heir for a day, did you say it?" he clarified his question.

"We must mourn in our own way, Your Grace," Daemon said solemnly, looking down.

"My family has been destroyed, but instead of being by my side or Rhaenyra, you chose to celebrate your own rise! Laughing with your whores and lickspittles, you have no allies at court but me! I have only ever defended you, yet everything I have given you has been thrown back in my face." Viserys shouted, leaning forward.

"You have only ever tried to send me away to the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but your side. For ten years, you have been king, and not once have you asked me to be your hand." Daemon countered, glaring hatefully at his brother from where he stood.

"Why would I do that?" Viserys asked

"Because I am your brother, and the blood of the dragon runs thick," Daemon reminded him.

"Then why do you cut me so deeply?" Viserys shouted

"I have only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is," Daemon said defensively.

"An unwavering and loyal hand?" Viserys said

"A cunt is a second son who tends to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself." Daemon corrects his brother.

"Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be," Viserys said.

"He doesn't protect you; I would," Daemon said, shaking his head.

"From what?" Visery shouted, fed up.

"Yourself, your week, Viserys, and the council knows that and leeches and preys on you, and the only reason you defend Otto is because you are fucking his youngest daughter." Daemon sneered

"You will hold your tongue when talking about Lady Rosalie; she is an honorable lady. You do well to remember that, or I will be the one to cut your tongue from your mouth," surprising everyone in the room as Viserys Targaryen is known as the peaceful king, and here he is threatening his brother.

"I have decided to name a new heir," Viserys told his brother and current heir.

"I am your heir," Daemon reminded him bitterly.

"Not anymore," Visery corrected sternly. "You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of the king." Viserys ordered leaving the room.


Rosalie walked into her chambers, startled at the sight of her father sitting on the couch in her room.

"Father, you scared me," she said, holding a hand to her heart.

"I am sorry, little flower. I wanted to ask what is happening with the king and you," Otto said, smiling at his daughter.

"Oh well, the king had asked if I would join him for tea, so that was what we were doing and having a conversation," she responded, debating whether she should tell him of her concerns.

"Oh, ok, that seemed nice. You looked concerned when I walked in. What was troubling you?" he asked.

"Nothing, Father; I have figured it out already," she reassured her father.

"What was the council meeting about? You seemed uncomfortable about the matter," she asked, making him explain everything that went on in the council and throne room except for the disrespect Daemon showed towards her.

"Oh, my, is the king okay?" She asked, feeling her heart hurt for the king.

"I'm sure he is having a difficult time right now," he said, sighing.

"Of course, maybe I could bring him some comfort. I am sure he could use a friend," she said, blushing at the thought of spending more time with the king.

"If you feel comfortable with that, I'm sure he would be grateful for it," Otto said to his daughter, wanting to make sure she didn't do anything that would make her uncomfortable.


The Lannister family sat around the table, eating dinner, as the family was staying in the red house. "The King will need to remarry soon; he will need heirs; the council and families will bring up young suitors for him." Lord Jason Lannister spoke up.

"That is wonderful. I'm sure you have a brilliant plan, husband," his wife said, smiling at him.

"Yes, I do. Candence, you will join the king in his chambers tonight. Bring him comfort. He has had a long day. Do what you need to," Lord Lannister said to his 21-year-old daughter.

"Of course, Father, should I wear silk or sheer and more skin or not?" Candence said so happily as the idea of sleeping with the king and becoming queen entered her mind.

"Oh, sheer, defiantly dear, and low neckline off shoulder, preferably," her mother said, but what they didn't realize was that the king had his heart set on one sweet, kind brunette and wouldn't even look at another woman.

My Sweet Rose: Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now