Wrong Ending

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After the dishes were put away, and everything was cleaned up. You, Midoriya, wanted to know more about Todoroki and his family. And, eventually, Todoroki's other brother came up.

Midoriya: Another brother?

You: Todoroki never mentioned him.

Fuyumi: I thought you three were close, so I figured you would've told them all about Toya.

Todoroki: It's not exactly an easy subject to approach.

Fuyumi: Natsuo and Toya were incredibly close when we were growing up. They spent their days playing together. It happened soon after mom was hospitalized. Somehow, her condition got even worse when she was committed. To the point Shoto couldn't go see her. But things have gotten much better. Especially after Shoto started visiting. Our family's been making progress. Except Natsuo, he can't let go of his anger towards our dad. In his mind, our father basically killed Toya. 

Bakugo: So that's why his face was all angsty. 

Fuyumi: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop this on you.

Midoriya: No, you're good. 

Endeavor: It's time for me to take you back to school. 

Midoriya: Yes, sir!

After a car pulled up and everyone said their goodbyes, the four of you got into the vehicle. The ride back was rather quiet and peaceful. For a while anyway.

Endeavor: I want to see you progress on a faster timetable. In addition to our weekends, I want you all working two days during the school week if you can shift your schedules around.

Todoroki: That's how it was for Uraraka, Kirishima, and the others last time.

Midoriya: We've also got to prepare for our finals. Hey, L/N, could you help me with English?

You: Sure. I gotcha, buddy.

Bakugo: So lame! Why doesn't the number one hero have a bigger car?!

Driver: Oh, so a free ride's not good enough for Mr. High Schooler! Endeavor! Since when do you hang out with ungrateful children like him?

Endeavor: Ever since I found myself at the top.

Driver: Zounds! I guess it's true that success changes a man!

As the ride continued; suddenly, Natsuo, while wrapped up in something was dangled in front of the car window, causing the driver to swerve.

Natsuo: Ah!

Todoroki: It's Natsuo!

Midoriya: The lines on the road, watch out!

A villain appeared on the road as the driver had to quickly maneuver the car as it slid against the guardrails. As the vehicle screeched to a halt, Endeavor wasted no time as he blasted out of the car at blazing speeds.

As Bakugo went to open the door, the Driver instantly locked it.

Bakugo: Hey, what's the big deal?

Driver: Just let Endeavor handle it. He's handled harder villains than this.

You: Either unlock the doors or Bakugo breaking a window.

Bakugo: Now you're speaking my language!

Driver: You wouldn't-

Before the driver could finish, Bakugo and Todoroki blasted both of the windows as the four of you rushed to Endeavor and the villain holding Natsuo captive.

Driver: Hey, you brats! You forgot something!

The trunk of the car opened as Midoriya's, Bakugo's, and Todoroki's suitcases popped out as you stretched out your hands and threw the cases to each of your allies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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