Prepping for the School Festival Is the Most Fun Part

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Mashirao: Still making up for classes from your work study?

Eijiro: Yeah!

You: This sucks...

Izuku: Yeah, sorry.

Mashirao: Aw, there's no need to apologize. We'll handle the school festival prep while you catch up.


Tenya: The school festival is one month away! We don't have much time. We should start making decisions right now. 

Toru: First, we need to pick out a song, right? What should we do?

Mashirao: I don't know much about popular music, so I'll leave that up to you guys.

Shoji: Same.

Denki: If we're doing this for everyone, shouldn't it be a song that most people know so they could dance and sing along with us?

Hanta: It's gotta be somethin' with a good beat!

Mina: Yeah! So we can get down!

Kyouka: With those things in mind, I think I know what would make sense. A hardcore four-on-the-floor club song. It'll be like a rave-meets-rock show. As for dance music, EDM would probably be the most popular. But you guys want to play instruments, right? Anyone play bass or drums or anything? 

No one spoke.

Kyouka: Okay. Well, I'd say that drums are the backbone of any band. I'd take on the responsibility myself, but, honestly, I main the guitar, not percussion. Teaching a beginner to play an instrument while practicing myself would be impossible to do in just one month. 

Denki: Hey, Bakugo! Didn't you accidentally admit your parents made you take music classes when you were a kid? 

Katsuki: Huh?

Mina: Wait, really?!

Hanta: Awesome! Take a seat and show us what you've got!

Katsuki: In your dreams, moron. 

Hanta: Right, I bet the drums're too hard for ya.

And with that hit to the ego, Bakugo grabbed the drum sticks and started playing, it amazed everyone unsurprisingly. 

Katsuki: Well?

Kyouka: That was killer!

Mineta: He's so good!

Mina: Who'd have known that you've got talents?

Denki: That's it, Bakugo's gotta be our drummer!

Katsuki: Heh. No way am I making a fool of myself up on that stage.

Kyouka: Bakugo, come on! Do it! If we rock this, everyone'll have a great time! 

Katsuki: Don't you get what's gonna happen? I'll spell it out for you. We're doing this because we want to let the other courses blow off some steam, right? But we're the ones who caused their stress to begin with. So we're just trying to make ourselves feel better. This is gonna seem like a slab in the face from the people they can't stand.

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