First Meet

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You were in the town watching as a gigantic villain stood on the train tracks above everyone else. 

???: That's one huge supervillain!

You turned to your right and saw a kid with green hair and a yellow backpack.

You: You could say that again. I wonder who's going to help this time.

The huge villain smashed a transmission tower and caused a piece of it to fall. A few people gasped as a hero came and grabbed the piece, using his own strength  to hold it in the air.

Citizen: Oh, nice! Way to go, Death Arms!

Other Citizen: The Punching Hero! I wish I had a Quirk that made me super strong.

The officer gasped and a line of water formed in front of him, acting like police tape. The cause of the water was the hero known as Backdraft.

Backdraft: Everyone, please stay back! This area is far too dangerous.

Other Other Citizen: Whoa, the rescue specialist, Backdraft is here? He'll make sure we're okay!

Random Citizen: This guy must be pretty desperate to go full monster in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?

Other Dude: Just some amateur. Stole someone's bag, and then got himself cornered.

Random Citizen: A quirk like that, and he's just a petty thief.

Guy on phone: I got held up. Train's out. Another villain. I'm not sure when I'm gonna make it to the office.

You see the green haired kid walk through the crowd to get a better look, so you do the same, but then you see a figure zoom past everyone.

Group of Girls: It's Kamui! We're your biggest fans!

Kamui jumped above the giant villain.

Giant Villain: Get away from me or I'll break you, toothpick!

You and the green haired kid end up making it to the front of the crowd to see the fight.

???: This is gonna be good!

The gigantic villain takes a swing at Kamui, who swings to a piece of metal to avoid the attack.

???: It's Kamui Woods! He may be new, but he's making a big name for himself!

Dude: One look at that dopey grin and I know what you are. A fanboy!

???: Uh-- Sorta...

The giant villain slams his hand down, so Kamui starts to run up it. He uses his quirk to wrap around the villain wrist so the giant responds by swinging his wrist around to try and get Kamui Woods off of him.

Kamui: Assault, robbery, and the illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil.

You: (Evil maybe, but incarnation of evil? Way to add more drama to a not dramatic situation buddy.)

Kamui's  arm started growing bigger and wider.

???: There! His special move!

Dude: Come on, Tree Man, show us somethin' flashy!

???: The Pre-emptive...

Kamui: Binding... Lacquered Chain Prison!

Mt. Lady: Canyon cannon!

Everyone stood in confusion and Mt. Lady came to "save the day", knocking the villain out with one kick.

Simps: Money shot, money shot, money shot...

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