Gear up for Final Exams

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You and Milo headed to the monitor room to watch the fight with Kirishima and Sato. 

Izuku: Hey L/N, Harris, congrats on the match.

Uraraka: Yeah, it was super awesome!

You: Thanks guys. I think Milo had the worst of it though.

Milo: I was terrified. I know she wasn't gonna hurt us too badly, but why is she so scary?!

You: That's S/N for ya. She's not the number 3 hero for no reason.

Milo: Still scary. 

You noticed that the next match was Sato and Kirishima vs Cementoss.

Recovery Girl: Well. Looks like I have my work cut out for me on this one.

Milo: Hey, Midoriya, Uraraka, how come you guys aren't strategizing with your allies?

Izuku: I doubt Kacchan wants to talk strategy with me.

Ochaco: And, uh, my partner is a little preoccupied with himself.

You: Yeah, I can see that.

Ochaco: Hopefully I can get some more inspiration from the next matches. 

Milo: Good idea.

Announcer: Team Sato and Kirishima. Practical exam. Ready? Go.

Kirishima and Sato started running and soon enough, they ran into Cementoss. As they started rushing towards Cementoss, Cementoss started making tons of stone walls to stop them. The walls seemed to be getting created just as fast as they were getting destroyed.

Ochaco: Come on, you guys! You've totally got him!

You: There's no way they're gonna win like that.

Ochaco: What do you mean?

You: Don't get me wrong, their super strength Quirks are amazing, but the walls are getting built just as fast as they're getting broken. 

Izuku: Plus there's a limit to how long they can use them. They won't last forever. I don't think Mr. Cementoss has that kind of limit, though. The more time that passes by, the more of a disadvantage they're at.

Milo: That's not good.

Izuku: It's no coincidence they were matched up. Mr. Aizawa's pitting students against teachers they'll have a hard time against. To pass, we'll have to recognize our weaknesses... and overcome them.

Recovery Girl: Exactly right. So before it's time for your own final, you should think carefully about your compatibility with the teacher you're fighting.

As both Kirishima and Sato seemed to stop breaking the walls, Cementoss encased them in cement, using his Quirk to defeat them, leaving them beaten and bruised.

Announcer: Sato and Kirishima have been knocked out. Exam over. 

Recovery Girl: It's only the second match and I'm already needed

Ochaco: No way... It was that one-sided? 

You: Their Quirks had no chance against his. Izuku, I honestly wish you and Bakugo good luck. You're up against All Might after all.

Tsuyu and Tokoyami went to their location for the practical exam, as the four of you watched on the monitors.

Announcer: Team Asui and Tokoyami. Practical Exam. Ready? Go! 

Clones suddenly appeared and stood in front of and behind Tsuyu and Tokoyami. Dark shadow grabbed Tsuyu and flung her up, as she grabbed Tokoyami with her tounge and lifted him onto one of the higher areas.

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