Midoriya and Bakugo vs All Might

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As the both of them walked through the city, you were curious on how it would go for the both of them. As Midoriya ran back up to Bakugo, he responded back backhanding Midoriya away from him.

Recovery Girl: Oh, dear. There's absolutely no teamwork between these two. Don't they realize the trial ahead of them? 

You saw on another monitor that All Might was readying a punch. As Midoriya and Bakugo were arguing, they noticed the giant cloud of dust in front of them, before instantly getting blown back by the power of the blast. 

The outcome from All Might's punch, was the entire battlefield was split in the middle.

Milo: Holy crap! That could of seriously hurt the both of them, but at the same time it was so epic!

As Midoriya tried to run off, he tried to get Bakugo to go with him. When Bakugo declined, All Might charged him as he retaliated with an attack back. The blinding light from Bakugo's attack, slightly stopped All Might.

As Bakugo charged All Might while he was slightly stunned, All Might grabbed Bakugo by the face. Bakugo quickly responded with blast after blast to All Might's face. All Might blocked the blasts with his arm, before slamming Bakugo down onto the ground.

You: Geez, what a painful attack.

All Might turned to Midoriya, before dashing behind him so fast you couldn't even see how he moved. As Midoriya used his power and jumped away, he bumped into Bakugo who was also in the air.

Bakugo got up and walked away from Midoriya and went over to All Might.

To your shock though, All Might came from the air with iron bars below him, as he trapped Midoriya with them, stopping him from escaping, before quickly punching Bakugo in the gut. Bakugo was struggling to get up, as All Might walked over to him.

You then looked to Midoriya who broke free of All Might's trap, before punching Bakugo in the face before All Might could. As Bakugo landed, Midoriya grabbed him and jumped away.

You: Man, All Might sure is scary when he's like this.

As All Might was running, Bakugo came from behind an alleyway, sending multiple blasts at All Might. Midoriya came from behind All Might, wearing one of Bakugo's gauntlets. The blast that came from the gauntlet Midoriya was wearing was gigantic, bigger than anything you've seen.

The both of them started running away from All Might, hopefully to the exit.

You: Woah, they actually got him!

Milo: Alright Midoriya and Bakugo, way to go!

Ochaco: What an amazing attack!

You: Uh oh...

All Might soon got to the both of them at lightning speed. As Bakugo was about to attack, All Might punched and destroyed the gauntlet in one go. Along with the gauntlet Midoriya was wearing. All Might kneed Bakugo into a building, before grabbing Midoriya, and slamming him onto Bakugo as he was about to rush All Might.

Milo: Holy...

You: He's got them both...

He threw Midoriya away as Bakugo was pissed, sending a huge blast at All Might, even without his gauntlets. As he picked up Midoriya and threw him towards the gate, you had a smile on your face, but that smile quickly faded.

All Might blasted himself towards Midoriya, and hit him directly in the spine, even with him flying through the air. As Midoriya hit a bus, you saw Bakugo ready a blast.

As Bakugo sent another huge blast without his gauntlets, you noticed something.

You: (His Quirk, if he's using it like that, there's no way his arms are okay.)

Bakugo sent another huge Blast as All Might came from the sky. As All Might was about to attack Midoriya, Bakugo got in front. As he sent another big blast, All Might dodged the blast and punched Bakugo while at the same time grabbing him, slamming him down on the ground. 

Midoriya charged up and punched All Might in the face, grabbing Bakugo as well. Midoriya quickly ran through the gate, winning the exam for both of them.

Announcer: Team Midoriya and Bakugo have passed the exam. All matches for the practical portion of Class 1-A's final have now been completed. 

Milo: Ah yeah, you go Midoriya!

You: Way to go beyond Izuku!


Sorry that this chapter ended up being shorter than the last one. I'm feeling pretty tired now. And my head hurts so Ima just do the credits and go to bed 😪  

Peace ✌

Christopher James
SilverZero Gravity
captain boreale
Madly Rain
Alejandro Benalcazar
Jabarri Pendergrass
Brian Geller
Hourglass Dog

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Thanks for reading and have a good day

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