Season 3 Finale!

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Hanta: The best of the hero course.

Eijiro: The Big Three.

Mina: Oh, wow!

Tenya: Of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top.

Momo: They're on a different level. Still in school, but practically pro heroes.

Kyouka: If they're as good as I hear, then they're the student we should be chasing after. 

Denki: They don't look all that special to me. Except, the gi-

You: Whoa, the top three students at UA!

Milo: That's so cool! I wonder what their Quirks are. 

Shōta: Get to it. Introduce yourselves briefly. Let's start with Amajiki.

Suddenly, he sent a stare at you guys as it sent a chill down your spines. Then, he started shivering.

Amajiki: It's no good. You two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words are coming out. My mind's blank and my mouth is dry. I can't say anything. I wanna... go home. 

Mashirao: Okay. So, um. Are you really one of UA's top heroes? 

Nejire: Come on, Amajiki! You need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten. You know, even though you're human. Get what I mean? This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki. And, hi, my name's Nejire Hado. I'm supposed to talk about work studies. You first-years have a really exciting time ahead of you. Hey, wait, hold on.

She then walked over to Shoji.

Nejire: Why are you wearing a mask? Is it cuz you're feeling sick? Or just... Trying to look cool? 

Mezou: Uh. Well... 

Nejire: Oh, whoa! And you must be Todoroki, am I right? Yeah! How'd you get that big burn on your face?

Shoto: That's none of your-

Nejire: And, Ashido, if your horns break off, you think you'll grow new ones? Ooh, and can you wiggle them? Mineta, are those balls your hair, or what? I don't get it. 

She then went over to you.

You: (Oh no...)

Nejire: Hey, I didn't notice before, but you're Waneta's little brother right? Since your Quirk allows you to control your body and add and take away muscle and bones along with skin in certain places, what do you think your limits are?

You: Well, I...

Then it was Milo's turn.

Nejire: Hey, Harris, if you can stop time, how come you didn't beat the UA sport's festival? You have the ability to freeze time, yet you lost the cavalry battle, why?

Milo: Well I didn't want to break the rules. If I won by cheating, feels like I didn't truly win. Ya know?

Nejire: Oh, oh, Asui, you're a tree frog. Not a gross toad, right? Oh my goodness! There's so much I want to know about every one of you. Let's have a Q and A! 

Denki: She's a total airhead. Even cuter! 

Mina: All those questions make her sound so young. 

Mineta: She wants to know everything about my balls! I'll spill my secrets. Come get up close and personal.

You: Will you be normal for once you perverted creep?

Nejire: Hey, Ojiro, can you support your entire body weight with that tail of yours? 

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