Work Studies

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Shōta: The hero work studies are a more serious version of your internships. They entail helping pro agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting. And we all agree. It's too soon. They should really be canceled.




Everyone: What?!

Eijiro: Aw, but we already met about them! 

Denki: I guess, when you think about why we had to move into dorms, it does make sense.

Milo: Kaminari's right, though, I was really hoping to be helping Waneta more... Aw man...

Katsuki: Ha, ha!

You: Someone was salty.

Shōta: But... some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook. And with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So, choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, you won't be taking part.

You then turned to Bakugo who in turn looked like they were seeing red.

Milo: Oh, that means I can work with Waneta, she and I both work well in a combat filled area!

You: And since me and Waneta have the same Quirk, me working with her is like the best option for me!

Milo: We get to be working beside her, I'm so excited!

Katsuki: Damn it!

You and Milo nearly burst out laughing once how you both saw how mad Bakugo was.


Once class was over, Milo was nonstop bugging you to call your sister right away, to which you said to just wait for you to eat lunch.

Once you did though and all the classes were over, it was time to go back to the dorms which Milo practically forced you to go to your room to get some proper clothing to meet Waneta. You tried to tell her that Waneta was a really chill person, but Milo still wanted to look proper.

Once the two of you got dressed, you both started on the walk there. Once even at the door, Milo was practically jumping with joy at being able to fight crime with a hero she admired. You understood the reason from a bystander point, but as her younger brother, you felt like she should be more worried about what's gonna happen when Waneta sees them.

After Milo rapidly knocked on the door, you were greeted by a nice receptionist with a Waneta action figurine on her desk. Once she noticed you two, she gave a happy wave as the two of you went up some stairs after waving bye to her.

You knocked on the door as someone Milo surprisingly didn't know answered. But you knew them too well.

???: Oh, hey, sorry, I don't know who you guys are.

You: I'm Y/N L/N, and-

Hot Rod: Oh, my bad. If you're L/N, that means you're Harris, right?

Milo: Yeah, you got me. Is Waneta here? Please, please say yes!

Hot Rod: She's here, but...

Milo: What happened, is she-

You: Wait for it.

S/N: Boo!

Milo: Gah!

You then turned around to see your sister with her neck stretched out and her being upside down.

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