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As Stain was about to attack Todoroki, you blocked his attack before moving your bones on top of your arm and hand. You were barely able to continue, as about 3 seconds after he attacked your bone protected arm, your Quirk put your bones back in their regular spots.

You: This guy isn't letting up with his attacks. Even with regular blades, his speed and stamina totally outmatch ours.

Izuku: Watch your right!

As Stain tried to sneak attack Todoroki from his side, Todoroki made an ice barrier as Stain jumped off of it to avoid Todoroki's incoming fire attack.

Stain: Ice and fire. Along with body blades.

Todoroki sent another ice attack at Stain as he navigated it easily.

Stain: Hasn't anyone told you, you rely on your Quirk to much? Makes you a careless fighter.

As Stain was about to cut Todoroki, you moved your bones to your right arm as Stain quickly switched his blade upwards, which slightly hurt a lot more than you expected. Stain quickly moved around you as his blade was inches away from your other arm.

You: (Crap! He got behind me so fast!)

Tenya: Recipro burst!

Iida destroyed Stains blade with a single kick, right as your Quirk moved your bones back to their normal spots again.

Iida attacked Stain with a powerful blow and knocked him away.

Izuku: Iida!

Todoroki: You're free, too? Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought it was.

Tenya: Todoroki... Y/N... Milo... Midoriya... This has nothing to do with you. I apologize. 

You: Come on. Not this again.

Tenya: I'm okay. And I won't let the four of you shed any more blood for me!

Stain: It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't just change in a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name "hero." Someone must teach you a lesson. 

Milo: You know what I think? (Ow.) You're a fundamentalist lunatic. 

Todoroki: Iida, don't listen to this murder's nonsense. 

Tenya: No. He's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero... at all. Even so... There's no way I can back down. If I give up now, then the name "Ingenium" will die!

Stain: Pathetic.

As Todoroki sent a huge amount of fire at Stain.

Native: Idiots! The hero killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor. Stop fighting back-- just get out of here! 

Todoroki: I don't think he'd let me run even if I wanted to. Something clearly changed in him just now. He seems rattled. 

Todoroki sent an ice attack at Stain after he had avoided the fire. Stain avoided attack after attack, easily avoiding Todoroki's ice and fire.

Tenya: Hey, Todoroki. Can you regulate your temperatures?

Todoroki: Not well with my left, but, yes, I can.

Tenya: You gotta freeze my leg for me without plugging the exhaust!

Stain: You're in the way.

Stain threw a blade at Iida's arm.

Stain: Why won't you stay down?

Another blade pinned Iida to the ground quickly.

Todoroki: Iida--

The Ultimate HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora