A Victory and a Defeat

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Shinso: Now's the time to strike!

Milo: On it!

As the both of them charged at Sen, he was able to put Shinso into an air cube, but Milo was able to avoid his attack. Before she could strike, Sen put up a big air wall as he smacked Shishida to get him out from Shinso's mind control.

Sen: Now, Shishida!

Shishida: Prepare to be beaten!

As Shishida was about to grab her, Milo ducked underneath his arm and looked around for an opening.

Sen tried to create another air cube but Milo avoided it yet again.

Milo: Come on, that's the best you can do? I would've expected more from class b, no wonder we're better.

Shishida: I'll make you eat those words! My sense of smell isn't the only good thing I got!

Sen: Shishida, wait!

As Shishida charged at Milo with Sen on his back, Milo smiled.

Milo: Stop!

Without a second to waste, Milo got on top of Shishida and pulled Sen off, getting some good distance before deactivating her Quirk.

Milo: Start!

Shishida: Take- Huh? Where'd she-?

Sen: Shishida!

Milo: Tsu!

Tsuyu: I got him!

Tsuyu quickly wrapped her tongue around Sen as the two of them started running.

Milo: Kirishima, Koda, stop this guy!

Kirishima: On it!

Koda: Gotcha!

As Kirishima and Koda tried to punch Jurota, he shrunk to his human form, landed and turned back to his beast form as he took hold of Kirishima and Koda. As he launched Kirishima to Shiozaki, you and the rest of your friends watched on with bated breath as she wrapped her vines around Kirishima before throwing him into the cell at their base, capturing him.

As Koda was still in Shishida's grasp, Milo had to think quickly as she got close to him.

Milo: Stop!

She grabbed onto Shishida's arm as she tried to break Koda free from hiss grasp. Koda barely came loose but a nosebleed was starting to form.

Milo: Damn it.. Start!

Koda: Mphm!

Milo: Just hold on Koda!

As Milo got incredibly close to freeing Koda, Shishida quickly started running as he flung Milo off of him.

Milo: Ahh!

Tsuyu: I got you!

Tsuyu quickly grabbed Milo with her tongue, stopping her from crashing onto the pavement.

Milo: Phew, thanks, Tsu. Can't believe I let Shishida get away. Ugh, I should've helped them. Well, no use dwelling on it now, look around to see if there's anything you can use to break Shinso out of that cube, I'll start hitting it with my staff.

Tsuyu: On it.

As Milo started hitting the cube, Tsuyu soon started helping as she found a few pipes laying about and decided to grab one.

Milo: Man, this is tougher than I thought it would be. Didn't think air could be this durable!

Tsuyu: Yeah, class b has been training hard, they're improving quickly.

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