Elevator Fall

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Mikaela closed her bedroom door behind her, stretching her arms over her head.

The sun had set hours ago, and the house was dark and quiet. As she made her way down the hall towards the living room.

She actually wanted to make snacks for herself.

Just then,she heard a soft scratching sound at the front door. She opened the door to find Leo's dog, Chase, sitting patiently on the other side.

"Hey, buddy," Mikaela said, smiling as she let him inside.

Chase ran straight to his food bowl, eager for his dinner.

Mikaela laughed as she watched him, then walked over to the kitchen cabinet to get his food. She poured some kibble into his bowl, and Chase began to devour it, tail wagging happily.

Just as Mikaela was about to sit down on the couch, she heard the front door open and Princeton, walk in.

"Princeton?!!" Mikaela exclaimed and rushed to him.

"Ma'am Mika!" Princeton bowed and Mikaela sighed frustratedly.

"I really can't do anything to change your mind about this ma'am of a thing"

Princeton gave no response.

"Sir Leonardo said you need my help with something " He said, formerly.

"No! Actually yes! I wanted to make burgers and fries but I don't know how! Can you also teach me how?" Mikaela pleaded cutely.

Princeton took one look at her, turning his face away quickly.

Seriously?? Is this why she stressed him to come over? All because of a snacks.

But what choice does he have?

"Sure ma'am" Princeton added.

The truth is Burgers and fries are her favorite and she came make one for herself if she want some,or even order.

She only want to see his face, and she couldn't be more happier.

"Should we start?" Mikaela smiled, staring at him deeply.

Princeton nodded.



Sia stood after packing her bags, turning to Lyric.

"I'm leaving! Aren't you done yet?" She asked her.

"Almost! Go ahead!" Lyric smiled, and Sia waved, before leaving.

Few minutes later, Lyric gathered her things and left the office heading to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opened, she came in face to face with Leonardo.

Lyric hesitated, not sure if she should join him in the elevator or take the next one.

She turned to go, but Leonardo spoke...

"It's fine... you can join...." He said, and Lyric bowed and stepped into the elevator. The doors closed behind him, and the elevator started to move.

She make sure to maintain 10metre away from him.

As it ascended, Leonardo thought about the mail Davina sent him earlier, what does she mean by he's going to loose something prescious.

Meanwhile, Lyric was feeling a little nervous as she stood beside him, gulping down emptiness the whole time. She didn't like being in small spaces, and being in the same elevator with him was making her feel claustrophobic.

She just want the elevator to stop,so she'll be out of here quickly.

A few second later, the elevator started making strange noises, drifting Leonardo out of his thoughts.

"What is going on?" He ask no one in particular.

There was a loud grinding sound, followed by a sudden jolt. The elevator shook, and the lights flickered on and off.

Lyric and Leonardo exchanged a worried glance. The elevator stopped moving, and they could hear a faint beeping sound.

Lyric's heart started racing as the darkness enveloped her. She felt a surge of fear, her body trembling. It wasn't just the darkness that scared her. She had a phobia of small, enclosed spaces

Even though she knew the elevator was relatively safe, her mind was telling her otherwise. She felt trapped, like the walls were closing in on her. She tried to take deep breaths, but she couldn't seem to get enough air.

The light were still flickering.

"What's happening?" Lyric managed to asked, her voice shaky.

"The elevator stop working" He reached out for his phone,and made to dail Princeton line, but the elevator jolted once more and the phone from him.

He pick it up only the see the skin broken from the fall.

"F**k" he mumbled and shoved it in his pocket. Leonardo looked around, trying to see if there was anything he could do.

But it was pitch black, and the elevator didn't seem to be responding to any of the buttons he pressed.

Lyric began to feel a sense of panic welling up inside her. she began to whimper. It was a quiet, muffled sound, but it was enough to alert Leonardo to the fact that something was wrong.

"Lyric, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He turned to her and asked.

Lyric was too afraid to answer, and all she could do was shake her head. He walk back to her and bent his head to her level to look at her properly cos of the darkness.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, and the only thing he could feel is her shaking and sweating profusely.

"Lyric, can you hear me?" He added, when no reply came from her.

"I'm....I...." Lyric stuttered, breathing rapidly.

"Look at me..." He uttered and Lyric look straight into his eyes, her eyes still teary.

"Don't be afraid? I'm here okay?" He held her shoulders and Lyric slowly gave a nod. But in that moment, the elevator jolted again, and the lights went out completely.

Lyric grabbed his shirt, with shaky hands hugging him so tight.




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Xoxo 💖

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