I'm His Girlfriend

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Gianna's eyes widened at once.

Dean release her that minute,and he take a step backward.

Gianna stood there, completely frozen in shock.

What just happened?

Did this pervert actually spanked her! For a moment, she couldn't even move, she was so stunned.

Then, she started to feel the heat rising to her cheeks, both from embarrassment and from the sting of the spank.

"What was that for?" she finally managed to sputter out, her voice shaking a bit.

Dean just looked at her, a sly grin on his face.

"Payback for slapping my prescious cheek,but I was a bit disappointed cos it's wasn't what I expected! How come it's so hard and little? Didn't you went through puberty?" He said sarcastically and her eyes grew even more wide.

Gianna was still standing there, staring at Dean in shock. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"I've to go now? It's nice doing a business with you" Dean winked and turn around and start walking away. She was too stunned to even react, and before she knew it, he was gone.

She stood there for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened. Then, she slowly turned around wondering if anyone saw what he did before starting to walk away, her mind still racing with questions.

What made her more mad is she couldn't even do anything about it.

Gianna kept walking, her head down, just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

When she finally reached the exit of the mall, she took a deep breath and walked out into the parking lot. She quickly made her way to her car, hitting on the engine fast,she drove out of the place.

"Dean!" A voice of a lady sounded behind Dean who has been standing by his car,as he watched Gianna left.

He turned to her.

"How can you left me in the fitting room all alone? I've been looking all over for you!" The lady lamented.

"Do you expect me to come in with you so we can f**k there? Are you that impatient of my d*ck?" Dean said in return.

"I didn't mean that!"

"I've lost interest, here's my credit card. Pay for all you've bought and delete my number. Do have a nice day" He hand her his card,and entered his car.

"You can't do this to me Dean!"

"I already did" He smirked and like that he drove off.




Lyric sits in the waiting room, tapping her feet nervously. She looks around at the other people in the room who also came for the interview, all of whom seem to be in better spirits than she is.

Just then, a lady exits from Leonardo's office, her eyes red and her expression grim. Lyric's heart drops.

She takes a deep breath and stands up as her name is called. She enters the office, trying to put on a brave face.

As Lyric walks into the office, Leonardo looks up from his desk and gives her a cold, appraising look. He gestures for her to sit down in the chair across from him.

She took a deep breath before sitting.

Leonardo stopped what he's doing,and faced her,not without the usual cold glares.

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