Physcho President

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A black luxurious Ferrari droved into the estate,and a guy in who looked in his early twenty's, gets out of the car, wearing a tailored suit in a dark color, like navy or charcoal.

The suit is expensive and well-fitting, and the shoes are polished and expensive-looking.

His hair is neat and well-styled, and he exudes an air of confidence and sophistication.

His eyes drawn upward,at the big house, its whitewashed walls gleaming in the sunlight.

He let out the most charming smile ever before began walking to the house.

At the edge of the property, admiring the sweeping lawns, the rows of tall, perfectly trimmed trees, and the smooth, elegant facade of the house.

The garden looks like something out of a painting, with its neat flowerbeds and perfectly trimmed hedges.

He could hear the chirping of the birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle breeze through the trees. The sun is warm on my face, and he can smell the subtle scent of roses wafting from the garden.

As he approach the front door, he take in the scent of roses wafting from the nearby garden. The house is indeed overcome by a sense of peace and serenity as you reach for the brass doorknob and enter the main house.

He was welcomed by the elegance of the space, The walls are lined with marble and a crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling.

There is a sweeping staircase leading to the second floor, and a large mirror reflects the sunlight streaming through the windows. The floor is tiled in a rich, dark wood, and the air is scented with the aroma of roses.

To the left of the foyer,is a long hallway and at the end of the hallway,and at the end of the hallways is a sets of double doors.

He take a deep breath, and gently push one of the doors open.The room beyond is bathed in light, and you're greeted by the sight of a massive mahogany desk, complete with leather chairs and a stately bookshelf.

Beyond the desk, spotted a door leading into another room.

The room beyond is clearly the master bedroom. The bed is enormous, covered in a plush, navy blue comforter. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook a verdant garden, and a walk-in closet beckons from the far wall.

The room is immaculate, and everything seems to be in its proper place.

The guys eyes fell on a figure lazilly stretched under a thick duvets.

"Boss!!!" He finally announced his presence and a figure pushed the duvets off his body at once and his face came to view.

His slightly dazed expression on his face as he slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a few times, trying to get his bearings.

Even in his disheveled state, the man is undeniably handsome.

His dark hair is tousled, framing his face in a way that only enhances his chiseled features. His strong jawline is lightly dusted with stubble, and his cheekbones are prominent and striking.

Even though he's wearing a simple white t-shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants, there's no mistaking the fact that he's a man of privilege and power. His brown eyes are piercing and intense.

Why won't he has all this features??

Leonardo Hernandez, twenty five, the only heir to the Hernandez family,the richest and most famous family in New Zealand and the youngest CEO in the country.

Not even the president dares not to speak,when it's comes to them.

Since thier dad's death. He took over almost all the property.

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