Not Giving Up

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Davina's eyes widened in shock as Lyric's hand connected with her cheek. The first slap had been more of a surprise than anything, but the second slap sent her reeling. She stumbled back, clutching her cheek and staring at Lyric in disbelief.

"Lyric, what are you doing?" Leonardo exclaimed, his voice full of alarm.

Lyric glared at Davina, her eyes flashing with anger. "I can and I just did," she snapped.

As Davina's eyes began to water, she snarled, "You'll pay for this, you'll regret the day you ever met me!" She lunged at Lyric, trying to scratch at her face, but Lyric easily ducked out of the way.

"Please stop this!" Leonardo shouted, grabbing Davina by the arms and pulling her back.

"Let me go Leo! I've to put this fool in her place!" Davina yelled

Davina looked around the room, her eyes wild and her breathing heavy.

Anger burning in his eyes, Leonardo grabbed Davina by the arm and began to drag her toward the door. "You should leave!"" he said through gritted teeth,dragging her out forcefully.

Lyric rolled her eyes secretly, before turning back to the board members.

"I'm really sorry for the interruption, should we proceed?" She asks.

"Of course, Mrs Lyric happy to listen to all you have for us!" Mr Brown replied, and Mr Ling nodded in affirmation too.

Lyric bowed with a smile, before resuming what she was saying.


Leonardo was fuming as he dragged Davina out of his office and into the hallway.

"Let me go Leo! You're hurting me!!" Davina struggled against him, trying to free herself from his grips as Leonardo dragged her roughly to the nearest elevator.

"Let me go! You're hurting me for real!_" Davina snapped as Leonardo finally release her after they got to the front of an elevator.

"Do I look like her care? What exactly do you want from me? What gave you the right to slap her?" Leonardo demanded angrily.

"I did it cos she crossed the line when she lied she's your girl so I can leave the other day, so she deserves it! How can you allow her to slap me back? This isn't the Leo I know, you should fire her for what she did!!"

"Don't tell me what to do cos you are totally a stranger to me! Do we even know each other?" Leonardo smirked, and she suddenly leaned in and tried to kiss him. He pushed her away, shocked and angry. "What the hell are you doing?" he demanded.

"I'm saying I still love you, Leonardo! I'm still in love with you and I want us to get back together!" Davina yelled and tries to hold him but l He pushed her into the elevator and hit the button for the ground floor. As the doors closed, Davina yelled, "You'll be sorry, you'll see! I'll make you regret this! You'll surely want me back!"

But Leonardo was already gone, stalking off down the hallway, his face flushed with anger.

He pushed her into the elevator and hit the button for the ground floor. As the doors closed, Davina yelled, "You'll be sorry, you'll see! I'll make you regret this!"

But Leonardo was already gone, stalking off down the hallway, his face flushed with anger.



Lyric walked into Leonardo's office, her heart pounding. She knew she had to apologize for slapping Davina, even though she had only been defending herself.

"Sir," she began nervously, "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I know it was inappropriate, and I promise it won't happen again."

Leo looked up from his desk, his expression unreadable.

"It's okay, I understand you were trying to defend yourself!" He said, and Lyric smile.

"It's late, you should be on your way..." Leonardo added.

"I'll,, goodnight sir " She bowed before walking out.



Gianna was sitting at the bar, nursing a cocktail. She ran here immediately she left Marvel cafe,and she just wanted to relax and forget about her problems.

Moving on from Ryder wasn't easy,but she had to do it anyway.

As she sipped her drink, she noticed someone taking the seat next to her. She looked over and saw that it was Dean.

"Hey, miss physcho!" he said, flashing her a smile. "Mind if I join you?"

"Yes, so much!" Gianna replied drunkenly, not bothering to hide her annoyance.

Dean just smile and took the seat anyway.

Dean paused for a moment, then said, "I'm not going to lie. I was hoping to run into you. We haven't been getting along too well since we met" Dean said, choosing his words carefully.

Gianna's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"I want us to be friends if that's okay with you" He said in a low but flirty tone.

Gianna regarded him skeptically, taking a long sip of her drink. "Just let me be, Mr pervert! I don't want anything to do with any guy for now, the last thing I need right now is a guy in my life " she said, her voice still cold.

"I understand your skepticism," Dean said, leaning forward here. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. Can you give me a chance to prove myself?"
slightly. "But I'm being serious

Gianna scoffed, standing up to her feet, she staggered and Dean made to help her but she shot him a glare.

"Don't you dare go after me! I'm serious... or I'll really sue you" She said seriously and began heading out.

"So how's it? Do you get her to be your friend?" Pierce asked, behind Dean..

"No, but giving up is not in my dictionary" He smirked.

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