The Unexpected Meeting

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When Lyric walked through the door after a long day at work,

she was immediately greeted by two little voices calling out,
"Mommy, mommy!" The kids, Pearl and Starr, came running into the hallway to meet her, their faces full of excitement.

"Hi, babies!" Lyric said, scooping them both up in a big hug. "How was your day?"

"We had so much fun!" Starr exclaimed, wiggling in her mom's arms. "We drew pictures, and we played outside, and we had ice cream!"

"Granny Lupe made it for us" Peal added, sucking her lower lips.

"Wow, you two had quite the busy day!" Lyric said, laughing as she set them back down on the couch

"I'm glad you had so much fun. Let's get you cleaned up for dinner.You must have stressed her out all day! So what do you say we have some mac and cheese tonight?"

Pearl and Starr squealed with delight at the mention of their favorite food. They both nodded In confirmation.

"I'll set the table, wash your hands first ok...." They didn't allow her finish the word before running off to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Lyric smiled as she watched them go, feeling a rush of gratitude for these two wonderful little people who had brought so much joy into her life.

Soon, they both came rushing and slowly drew out chairs for both.

She dished out thier meal and kids started digging in at once.

"Mom we have a request!" Pearl suddenly stated.

"Is it about my CEO? I dunno really know too much about him,but I'll surely show you his pics if I found one,since he's famous?" Lyric said.

"YAY!!!" The kids squealed.

"Mommy, can we go to the mall tomorrow?" Starr asked as she dried her hands with a towel. "We want to go to the toy store!"

"And the candy store!" Pearl added, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Please, mommy, can we go?"

Lyric hesitated, considering their request. She knew it would be a lot of work to take them to the mall, but she also knew how much they loved it. "I'll tell you what," she said, a smile playing on her lips.

"If you two finish your dinner, and then help me clear the table and do the dishes, we'll go to the mall tomorrow morning," Lyric said, feeling a bit mischievous as she laid out her terms.

Pearl and Starr looked at each other, their eyes wide.

"Deal!" they said in unison, and ran back to the table to finish their dinner

Lyric laughed, feeling pleased that her plan had worked. As she watched her kids dig into their mac and cheese, she felt a surge of pride and love.



Lyric and her kids walked through the front doors of the mall, excited to start their shopping adventure. They wandered through the aisles of the toy store, looking at all the different toys and games on display.

The kids were having a blast, picking out their favorites and chattering excitedly.

"Mommy, look at this cool robot!" said Starr, pointing to a robotic toy on the shelf.

Lyric turned to look, smiling at her son's enthusiasm. "That is pretty cool," she said.

Suddenly, Lyric's phone started to ring. She pulled it out of her pocket, glancing at the screen to see who was calling.

"A minute babies!" She whispered before swiping green, backing the kids.

As Lyric answered the phone, her kids began to wander off in different directions, exploring the toy store on their own. Lyric's attention was focused on the call, and she didn't notice that her kids were getting farther and farther away.

Meanwhile, Pearl and Starr were wandering through the aisles of the toy store, looking at all the different toys and games.

Pearl spotted a phone toy that she really liked, and reached out to grab it. But just as she did, Starr also reached for the same toy.

Their hands collided, and they both pulled on the doll, trying to get it for themselves.

The two were pulling on the doll with all their might, neither one willing to let go.

Soon,they began to argue, each one insisting that the doll was theirs.

"Let go, Pearl!" Starr shouted. "It's mine!"

Pearl wouldn't budge. "No, it's mine!" she yelled back. "I saw it first!"

They continued to pull and tug, until, a tall figure loomed over the girls, and they both looked up in surprise.

It was Leonardo, standing there with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. "What's going on here?" he asked, his voice deep and authoritative.

The kids looked at each other, releasing the toy at once.

"Who are you? You look really handsome!" Pearl was the first to speak.

"Seriously? What do kids like you know about handsome?" Leonardo chuckles.

Pearl was about replying when they heard a familiar voice from behind voice from behind.

"Mommy!!!" They both rushed to her, and Leonardo looks up, at thier direction.




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Xoxo 💖

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