△ chapter twenty five - 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 △

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i sighed heavily, looking towards him. "it's kind of a long story." he shrugged, folding his bottom lip. "we have all night sunshine."
he rolled my eyes, probably heard that nickname about hundred times.

i pour my heart out to him. "janson, who's from WCKD called me into a meeting and basically long story short: he pulled up a folder with my whole life on a few pieces of papers. my name is olivia elise wilson."

his eyes widen, becoming more intrigued. "what else is there?"

i took a leap of faith and decided to tell him EVERYTHING in that folder. "the funny thing is that the folder janson pulled out was a case folder involving multiple murders against rapists and child predators." i felt a gulp in my throat as i slowly breathed.
"my father is janson and my mother was mary. you remember the boy from the glade you hated? his name was teddy, my brother."

his lips parted, obviously in shock, he moves off the most important part and said. "was?"

i loved how he ignored that part.
"janson shot her."

i could feel something in my heart and throat ache, he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "i'm sorry, sunshine."
i shrugged, shaking my head until i had a realization.
"my mother died in front of me." i kept repeating the words in my head and out loud, the more the said it the more it became too clearer.

gally just held me immediately, he hands gently resting on my head. "she's dead.." i sniffled. "i know." he replied apologetically.

after a few minutes of crying and silence i was become swarmed and held up with gally's touch i had fallen asleep. a well needed rest if that.

i wake up to the speaking outside of the bed bunks, i wiped my eyes and gally wasn't with me. i quickly got dressed and walked out laying eyes on gally half way down a hole.
i spoke over everyone else. "what's going on?"

"i was about to wake you up, me, gally and you are going to find the way out." thomas said, following down the hole with gally.

i glanced over to newt, he was looking at his arm, i didn't pay too much attention to it so i followed behind thomas.

it was a sewage treatment, it smelt and looked disgusting and was dark so gally and thomas brought flashlights.
i held my nose, groaning. "jesus fucking hell this reeks of shit!"

gally fell in front, turning on a generator. we trimble through the sewer water, i've never felt so disgusted in my life.
"stay with me. we got a ways to go." he said.

we approached a hole in the wall. "alright this way." gally demanded, i followed through behind him. he stopped suddenly.

i could hear the rattling of a traintrack, the breeze blew towards us instantly.
"we gotta be quick about this!" gally yells. "stay on me, okay?!"

me and thomas both nodded.

as soon as the train finished past us gally jumped into the track, we both follow through.
suddenly gally started to run. i was definitely going to be the slowest. "oh fuck." i groaned, following behind thomas.

i run as fast as i could, trying to keep up with thomas. i could feel my heart in my mouth as i felt sick. the train rattles against the line beneath me.

the train was coming in front of us. "GALLY?!" i screamed. he assured me. "COME ON! KEEP RUNNING!"

i groaned as i felt my chest cave in, somehow i managed to trip over the middle of the track. thomas yelled for me. "OLIVIA! COME ON!"

they had already made it halfway up the ladder before gally jumped down in front of the train, grabbing my waist and pushing me against the wall.

i held my chest tightly, clearly in agony. i fell to my knees and held my back against the wall, breathing heavily.

thomas ran over quickly to investigate. "what-"
gally chuckles silently. "never thought i'd be saving you with one good lung."
i rolled my eyes, gally grabbed my hand and helped me up. "i was just never the fastest."

as soon as we climbed up the ladder i still feel the sharp pain in my chest on my left side.

eventually, we walked through a door to another side of the city. gally stood in front of us, leading. thomas whispered. "what the hell is this?"
the crowd swarming around us were wearing masks to cover their mouths and noses.

we attempted to blend in until we separated, coming face to face with the tall buildings towering us. "this is a long way from the glade." i hissed, still mesmerized by the lights.

my hand still stayed holding my chest. the pain had moved to my arms and back. it felt like there was a huge weight holding down my body.

"we better get off these streets. i know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before." gally spoke with his hands in his pockets.

we walked and ran the streets to avoid being noticed. "they've definitely upped security. i'm guessing you shank have something to do with that." gally's eyes glanced to me, i see a light smirk on his lips.

we run across the street quickly until we met with a giant stone wall. gally crouched, he held out his hand to his knee. "thomas, you first." he quickly got his foot on his hand and boosted him up.

i put my foot on gally's hand and painfully tried tp pull myself up. i grunted in pain, following back down onto my ass. "fuck." i groaned, holding my arm.

gally crouched beside me. "what's wrong?"
i gulped, my eyes closed, shielding the pain. "nothing. i think i've just grazed myself on the train."

gally nodded, grabbing my waist and thrusting my up until thomas could grab the top of my arm to fully lift me up.

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