♡ chapter fifteen - 𝙟𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚 & 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖 ♡

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we all pick up our bags and make a run for it. i was so unbelievably tired, but i fought for my life, avoiding the struck from the lightening.

we were feet away from the building in front of us until i see thomas and minho get strucked into the ground.
"NO!" i scream, running back quickly to retrieve them.

the boys grab onto minho who was laying unconscious, quickly closing the door behind us.
"wake up minho! come on!"
they shake him awake with a groan.
"what happened?" he grunted, with a flashlight in his face.

thomas pants. "i think you got struck by lightning."
minho let out. "oh." so unpleasantly.

we chuckle together against our breaths.

i look around at the building, it was like a factory.
"what's that smell?" teresa groaned. she turned a flashlight on.

she screams as a hand reached for her body. it gets pulled backwards by a chain. "holy shit!" i yell, grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

the cranks attempt to come from all sections, but are all tied up. we stay close together in a circle before a door opened, revealing a girl standing in the doorway. "i see you've met our guard dogs."

the girl with short brown hair approached us. "you guys look like shit."
"rude." i whisper to newt.

she moves her body away. "come on. follow me."
"unless you want to stay here with them."
the cranks snarls in the background as she leads us to a lit room.
"jorge wants to meet you guys."

we walk up stairs together meeting with a bunch of others, walking closely behind us.
"they're hear." the girl says.
he shushes her for a reason, playing for a radio.

jorge exhales, turning to face us.
"three questions. where did you come from? where are you going? how can i profit?"

thomas gulped. "we're headed for the mountains." i spoke up for him.
he glanced at me as i moved in front of the others. "looking for the right arm."

the men around us cheekily laughed. "you're looking for ghosts, you mean."
we stood in silence.
jorge repeats. "where did you come from?"
minho steps up. "that's our business."

we fall down as we are grabbed by our arms. "get off me!" i scream, trying to grasp a hitting point.
the other stood back, fighting my case.
a red scanner scans the back of my neck.

the girl stood speechless. "you we're right."
jorge put on his glasses. "i'm sorry senorità. looks like you're tagged."
he pointed towards me directly. "you came from WCKD. which means.. you're very valuable."

the tension in the air was thick. until we are now being put a bag over our heads. we are hung up by our feet into some sort of pit.

minho sighed after hanging for awhile. "great plan guys. real ball game."
thomas attempted to reach for the rope by fails.

jorge walked into the room. "enjoying the view?"

i scoffed, giggling. "he's funny." they all glare at me like knives until i frown intently.
"what the hell do you want?" thomas grunted.

he moved towards us, his face still held a smile. "that is the question. my men want to sell you back to WCKD. that's not MY plan. something tell me that you guys aren't like that either."

i groaned, still attempting to reach the rope. jorge turned to me. "you don't want to do that. i'll let you go once you've told me what you know about the right arm."

newt glanced at him, hanging his arms over his head. "thought you said they were ghosts."

"i happen to believe in ghosts especially when i hear them chattering on the airwaves."
he slowly walked towards a lever.
"you tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal."

thomas pants nervously. "we don't know much."
he pulled the lever forward, causing us to jolt down, everyone panicked, grunting as we hung on for our lives.

thomas held up his hand. "ok! alright! they're hiding in the mountains. and they attacked WCKD. they got out a bunch of kids. that's all we know!"

jorge opened his mouth by got interrupted by a man walking in.
"hang tight." he spoke walking away, leaving us speechless.

we attempt to escape but after sometime we gave up and let out futures take place.
teresa had somehow managed to get ahold of the lever, pulling it down so she could release her foot.
she then helped the rest of us out of the foot holds.

we hear the aircraft's out side with janson stupidly talking.
"fuck sake." i groan, we all crouch to avoid the lights showing through the windows.

suddenly as we're trying to escape a man stood in the doorway holding out his gun. thomas held his hands up. "we're not trying to cause any trouble. we just got to get out of here."
"is that so?" the man with the fucked teeth spoke, switching on his radio.
"janson. i got em for ya. i'll bring them down."
"let's go!"

he moved closer, holding the gun to thomas' chest, demanding us to go with him.

unexpectly thomas hits his arm, aiming the gunshot to the ceiling. he then kicks his stomach till he fell to the floor.

as he stood up quickly i see myself staring down a barrel of a gun.


i gasp softly, in shock only to see the man fall over with the short haired girl stood behind him.
"come on. let's go."
she narrated.
all of us frozen in shock with our mouths parted.
"jesus fucking christ."
i mutter before being the first to follow.

suddenly, i hear the loud echo of music: walkin' after midnight by patsy cline play.
the speaker blare the sound as we hurry up the stairs to meet up with jorge.

he opened a door, leading down to a zip line.
frypan sighed. "oh. you've got to be kidding me."

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