♡ chapter ten - 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 ♡

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i gasp to the alarming sounds of people screaming their heads off.
minho yelled, grabbing my arm.

i keep close running with minho. the screeches of the cranks made me stumble my feet, luckily minho was keeping ahold of me.

gunshots patter as the cranks fall to the floor with a loud grunt.

me and thomas were the last to enter the building, it immediately shut in our face.
thomas walked to the front whilst i stay hiding behind minho.

it looked almost like a factory.

we were led to a room with beds, etc and a table filled with food, of course everyone took their chance at molding down their throats.
i didn't eat a single thing because i thought i would vomit.

the door to the room opened, making the gladers jump up.
a man walked into the room confidently. "you kids doing all right?" he spoke with an accent.

we all walked over to him.
"sorry about all the fuss. we had ourself a bit of a swarm."
"who are you?" thomas asked, scared.

he moves he hand for us to follow him, i closely kept behind minho and newt.
we followed him as he spoke. "you can call me mr. janson. i run this place; it's a place where to hide from the horrors of the outside world."

janson looked back at thomas as he assumed. "that means you're taking us home?"
"a home of sorts." he said smiling.

i feel a funny feeling in my stomach.

i whisper to minho. "i don't trust this place."
he tapped my arm, still listening to jansons words.

a door to a long white hallway opened.
"first things first, let's do something about that smell."
he looked at us as we fell offended.

we approach the showers, grabbing towers and going into stalls.
as soon as the water hits me i felt the same feeling i felt with my stomach. everything about this place was too niche.

all the boys were cheering, whilst i took head over water overthinking.

we get dried and clothed up only to be led to a lab, i had noticed that the rest of the gladers seemed pleased to be out like this.

a woman approached me with test tubes of blood. she smiled at me as she wrapped a band around my arm. "this might sting but try to take a deep breath."
my mouth parts before she slides the needle is.
"what is it?"
she looked up at me, sliding the needle into my vein. "everything you've been deprived of out there."

my nervousness was clearly on show and she could see that.
i look over to minho who's on the treadmill, the rest we're getting their blood drawn and getting the same treatment as me.

a tall soldier approached me and thomas. "please come with me."
me and thomas looked at eachother concerning the fact of following a random person to a place we don't know, but we hesitantly follow.

he lead us to two separate rooms, like an interrogation room.

thomas had his meeting firsthand. then my door opens with a lock. janson walked through his eyes wandering mine.

"hello olivia." he spoke, sitting down in front of me.

my eyes widen in shock. my names olivia? how does his know that?

i knew something was up about this place. i decide not to question it until later.

"i hope hoping we'd get a moment to chat in private, away from the others. i won't take up too much of your time." he gulped, leaning his arms on the table. he then threw a file to my hands.
"what do you remember about this?"

i look up to him then to the folder in front of me. hesitantly i open it to the first page. my face pops up with the name 'olivia elise wilson.'

i look to him confused. "what's this?"
he lifts a brow, leaning forward. "you don't remember at all?"
i shook my head, turning back to the file.

the front page had my weight, height, hair/eye colour, everything physical about me.
i scroll to the next page seeing 'relatives'. it wrote 'brother: teddy wilson.'

i bit my lip, fighting back the tears. his name was teddy.

i move forward towards parents, my fathers name was crossed out but my mothers name was 'avery wilson.'

he exhaled, holding his hands together. "i'm sorry about your father."
i shook my head, continuing reading.

i've always known to be the kindest person to meet according to the gladers, very naive.

this was a police report.

there was about 100 cases. there was pictures of blood, bodies.
i hold my mouth. he could see the confusion on my face.
"what the hell is this?" i point at all the pictures.
he took a breath. "your name is olivia elise wilson. a well rounded serial killer."

my stomach churned as i felt sick escape my throat, i turn my head to the bin, vomiting.
he took back the file.
"i'm sorry to tell you that olivia."

when i turned back to him he had left the room. i drop my head to my arms, laying on the table.

me and thomas exit the room together, both in shock. i look to him with my red blood shot eyes.
two soldiers approach us.
"follow us to meet the others."

my mouth parts but they walked away before i could say anything.

we walk for a couple minutes until we could hear the chatter amongst people.
everyone was sat on tables, like a lunch room.

minho walked over. "hey greenie. hey thomas."
thomas stepped forward, i was pushed by one of the soldiers to move forward. "hey, minho. what's going on?" thomas queried.

minho walked backwards, excited. "we weren't the only maze. come on."
me and thomas walked over to our gladers, finding a seat.

i sat next to newt, i was looking around at the soldiers as newt, minho and thomas was talking to other people in the maze.

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