♡ chapter forteen - 𝙟𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮 ♡

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we ran through a tight hallway. my heart was in my throat as seeing them still fucking following us. minho yelled in defeat. "ITS A DEAD END!"

everyone used their bodies to push through, we reach the other side but winston gets pulled through. we reach for his hand, the cranks clawing at his body. the screams in agony by the time we get him through.

frypan and newt hold his tightly, running with him. minho and thomas hold the door closed before they start running for their lives.

we found a hole in the ground, everyone kept quiet whilst winston was balling in pain. i cling onto newt for protection.
the sound of the cranks was loud until finally it died down.

we wake up to the brightness of the sun.
"are they gone?" newt asked to thomas we was standing up.
"yeah. i think we're safe for now."

frypan helped winston up as he was in crippling distress. i give newt a look of something bad is going to happen, he returns it.

we travel out of the mall to the sand we lay out feet on.
the scorching sun hit my face. "holy fuck, it's hot."
newt snickered.

we all walk in a parallel line, marching our way through the broken city. bridges, building, cards were ruined, whether from the scorch or have been destroyed by humans.

i stop the group with my thoughts. "do you guys hear that?"
they all stop in silence.

i could hear a distance aircraft above us. "everyone get down! hide! hide!"
we hide beneath rubble, protecting our heads from being seen by WCKD.

minho exhaled. "they're never gonna stop looking for us, are they?"
thomas' lips parted. "come on."

he leads us once again down the hot path. by this time all of our skins had almost burnt off and everyone was exhausted from all the walking and climbing, especially winston.

we reach a tall hill of sand, we climb to the top. standing there for a second to take a look of the broken city.
thomas points towards the hills in the distance. "that's gotta be where we're going."

i shield my eyes. i keep thinking of the fact that we all together will never make it that far, especially with a lack of food or water. but i never wanted to say anything.

as we take a step, winston falls to his hand, almost sliding down, but thomas caught him. "winston!"
we slide down to grab him from falling.
"oh my god." i murmur, holding my mouth, watching him take short breath of wheeze.

minho and frypan carry down gently down the hill and onto another hill, we reach a bridge and then a house. the wind was so powerful, almost knocking everyone off of their feet.
"we gotta find shelter!" thomas yelled over the wind whistling.

we made our way through the treacherous sandstorm towards a wooden hut.
frypan was pouring sand from his shoe, then looked at newt.

thomas and teresa were stood looking over the hill towards the mountains.
i was looking over at winston, he had a gun in his hand.

he held it to his chest, the everyone's begin to be alert, trying to take it from him.
"what are you doing man?!" newt yelled, trying to grab it.

winston pants on his hands and knees, out of breath from the wheezing, thomas leant down to tend to him but he puked on the floor, black blood.

he then fell to his back, breathing heavy. he lifted his shirt, revealing some evil.
"it's growing.. inside of me."

i look away as he shows it, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"i'm not gonna make it." he spoke over the silence, catching his breath. he was on the edge of tears and breaking point.

my heart crumbles.
"please.. please don't let me turn into one of those things."
he reached his hand for the gun which frypan was holding.

newt stepped up, grabbing the gun and kneeling beside him, placing the gun in this hands on his chest.
"thank you." newt asserted.

the group stares in disbelief.
tears was flowing down everyone's face as hard as they could to hold it in.
i was last to go, watching everyone leave.
"it's okay. it was nice to meet you olivia."

standing, soaking in my tears, i could feel the coldness of his soul.
"i'm sorry."

slowly i walk to the group, newt rubs my back as i join them.
the rest of the walk was painfully quiet.

the world went quiet as soon as we heard a gunshot.
i fell to my knees in the sand, breaking down in tears. newt helped me up and held my hand. "it's okay."

we quickly found shelter and set up a fire for the night.
minho plays with a stick. "i thought we were supposed to be immune."
"not all of us, i guess." teresa sighed, laying on her heavy bag.

frypans tears were falling to the floor with a low, soft voice saying. "i'd never thought i'd say this.. but, i miss the glade."

my eyes stay locked to the fire as fry's word hit me like a wall. i missed everyone, teddy, chuck, gally, winston. i missed the way the sun was shining onto the glade in the morning or even the bonfire nights.

the morning came quickly, we all tried to get enough sleep but not a lot. we trenched quickly, fighting against the sun and sand as usual.

we had eventually ran out of water and everyone was dehydrated. not the best idea running out of water through a desert.

the storm was loud as our bodies had fallen asleep on the ground. i awoke seeing a lights in the distance.
"hey!" i spoke with a croaky voice. "wake up! i see something!"

i point my finger towards. "it's lights!"
"we made it." thomas assumes.

a loud crack of lightening struck the stiff ground.
thomas told everyone. "we gotta go. now."

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