♡ chapter nineteen - 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 ♡

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the crowd dispersed as soon as it created a helicopter to fly onto the ground, everyone frantically ran away.
jorge chuckles, jumping from the truck.

in the midst i see janson come through the fog. his hands reach for my throat, my lip cut and bleeding whilst he drains the life from me. "if i brought you into this world i can easily take you out."

i hear a loud gunshot as janson falls backwards, a sniper had shot him. newt. newt saved me.

hurriedly i run away to join the rest of the team to help.
minho yelled, seeing me approach him. "OLIVIA GO! GET OUT OF HERE?!"

my mouth hung open. "WAIT- MINHO!"
newt pulls me back to join thomas and the others.

as we hung back a strong shock his minhos chest as he fell, screaming. "RUN!"
i run along the cloudy floor, never tan as fast as ever, before i could approach them, the soldiers had already grabbed minho.

jorge grabbed me and picked me up. "MINHO! NO! PLEASE!" i sob, falling to my knees.

we watch our best friend get taken away. i take one last look at janson, the look of despair.

the sky was blue.

it was cloudy.

not a single gray cloud in sight.

we walked through the damaged sight. the dead bodies made a shiver dive down my spine. the smoke made me cough up as well as the still lit fire.

i watched as thomas and newt packed a bag.
"what do we do now?" frypan asked, folding his arms to his knees.
vince answered. "we pick up what's left of us, get you kids to the save haven."

i wrap a bag around my stomach. i feel a flutter inside my heart. "i'm not going with you." thomas stood up with me. "me too. i made a promise to minho that i wouldn't leave him behind, i have to go after him."

newt stood up, petrified.
vince shrugged. "WCKD just kicked our ass. and you guys want to go back to them?"

i gulped, releasing my jaw as i see thomas as determined as i am. "it's not just about minho. it's about all of us."
"about everyone's WCKD's ever taken, everyone they will take. they won't stop until they find somewhat of a cure."

"..i'm gonna kill my father."

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