△ chapter twenty three - 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 △

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i chuckled agitated and throwing my hands to my side. "what an inconvenience for you gally."
he sighed, looking to his gun then looking back up. "what are you even doing here?"

newt breathed. "minho. WCKD has him. we're looking for a way in."
gally stood speechless. "i can help with that." he put. "follow me."

thomas hesitantly followed him after i did. i kept a distance from him. newt walked next to me, he frowned. "what's up with you?"
i just shook my head and continued walking.

"after the maze, i got picked up by a group headed to the city. they realized i was immune, patched me up.. and brought me here, to lawrence. he doesn't get a lot of visitors, so let me do the talking, all right? and try not to stare."
gally spoke with a different tone, walking away. "why would we stare?" i gulped.

hurriedly, we caught up with gally. i was still stunned by the meeting of gally that hadn't even realized what he had said earlier about not talking.

lawerence was muttering some words under his breath that made no sense whatsoever. the room was dark with only a beam of light shining through it from the window.
he turned around. "gally.. glad to see you made it back. jasper told me what had happened."

he held his body jacket his hands. "it was a slaughter. there's nothing we could do against those guns."

the more i glared at gally the more i realized how much he has changed; his hair was buzzed, he was more muscular, more kinder and confident.

she picked out a rose and smelled it. "who are those people?" he asked. i moved forward next to gally, who's eyes darted to mine evilly. "we need to get into WCKD, gally said you can get us through the walls."

the man glanced towards me, almost like i'm a ghost. "gally should know better than to make promises that he can't keep."

lawerence wheeled over some sort of medical wheels thing. "that wall is only half your problem- getting inside WCKD is impossible."
"there might be a way now, but it doesn't work without thomas." gally said, now looking towards thomas hiding behind me.

the man walked into the light and my face completely froze, he had no nose with some sort of face deformity, but it wasn't the only thing that frightened me about him, it was the way he spoke to me.

"you know what i am.. olivia." he moved to whisper in my ear. "i am a businessman." his gruesome eyes glanced to me as i see at the corner of my eyes gally staring him down like prey.
"why should i trust you?" he asked.

i still froze from the freakness. "because i can help you- if you get us through those walls, i can get you what you dearly need." i replied, standing confident.

"what is it that you think i need?" he queries, almost offended.
"..time." responds with the same amount of tone.

he scoffed, turning his head to gally, his eyes began to widen and dart between both me and lawrence.
"tell you what. two can go tomorrow morning whilst the rest stay with me. some insurance to make sure."

my stomach churned at the sound of basically bargaining my friends.
"we have a deal?" he held his hand out to me. i shook it calmly.

it became night quickly and people were sitting around a large dining table eating plates of food. i stood with my arms folded against the doorway.

every thought was coming to me and i couldn't say any.
gally noticed me from across the room, we locked eyes but didn't say anything.
"liv?" newt said, confused.
i hadn't noticed him. i was too busy glancing at gally.

i had the same feeling in my chest when i kissed him in the box. almost every night i had dreamt about it and it haunts me. everything in my soul has missed him and now he's here and i barely feel a thing.

he moved his hands to follow him, which i clearly do.
he sat with a relief into a bunk bed room, dropping his gun at the side table.

i sat next to him, both of us just leaning against the wall and watching the floor. no words. only the presence of someone.

i got up the courage to lean my head against his shoulder. he tensed slightly but eventually eased up.

i'm still not sure how to explain this feeling, but it felt like a release, something i haven't felt since the glade. so comforting.

he grabbed my hand and held it in his, his big hand swarming around mine.

i started to lightly cry as i feel a warmth of another person, he notices but doesn't say anything. "gally." i sniffled.
his head popped up, glancing at my swelling eyes. "i'm sorry i left you. i should've stayed in the glade with you."
he shook his head in response. "i knew you would get out, and i was ok with that."

he blew raspberries, looking up to the top bunk. "i was sober."
i peek an eyebrow up at him, as i wait for him to explain. "what are you talking about?" i wiped a tear, he smiled softly.

he sighed gently, speaking almost in whisper. "do you remember when i said i was drunk when you laid on me and cried? i wasn't drunk, i was sober. i just wanted to be there with you."
i smile against his shoulder.
"i don't know how you've made me be another person, but thank you."

i sighed through my nose, shifting so that i'm laying on his stomach. his hands brush through my hair and as soon as i closed my eyes i felt the breeze and warmth from the glade. all the nostalgia hits me and it feels so damn good.

his body was almost sinking into my touch and vice versa. "i miss the glade." he said. i replied with. "me too, gally. me too."

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