♡ chapter eleven - 𝙜𝙪𝙩 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 ♡

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janson walked into the room proudly with a soldier behind him. "good evening, gentlemen. ladies." his eyes turned to me as he said 'ladies.'
"you know how this work. if you hear your names called, please rise and my colleagues will escort you to the eastern wing. your new lives are about to begin."

everybody clatters their claps in unison. like robots.

janson opened his clipboard, reading out..








"and abigail."

everyone groans. "don't get discouraged. your time will come."

they return to their food. "where they going?" minho asked to the two boys sat at our table.
"far from here." he said. "lucky bastards."

my eyes still stay locked on the exit they went through. the feeling in my stomach was back.

i look over to a window towards a hallway, seeing teresa in a white suit walking by with doctors and soldiers.
i stand up, making my way towards the exit.

"hey, teresa." i yell, following her as she doesn't hear me.

i was stopped by soldiers.
i bite my tongue. "where are they taking her?"

the soldiers stood firmly, pushing my shoulder back. "they just are running tests. don't worry, they'll be done with her soon."

i swallow a gulp down my throat, returning back to the group slowly, still keeping my eye on the exit.
"don't worry greenie." newt tapped my shoulder.

when is the best time to tel them that my name is olivia and that i'm a serial killer?
probably not around now.

we are then escorted to our bunks. the group fought for top bunk.
"i could get used to this." winston sighed, putting his hands behind his head.

i could see thomas was as concerned and confused as me.

the door behind us shuts quickly.
i folded my arms nervously, turning to thomas. "what do you think they had teresa for?"

he shrugged, turning to a bunk.
i was told to not worry about it but all night i was worrying about it.

as i'm washing my face i hear a rattle from the vents, thomas leaned his head down, the boy shushes him and tells him to follow him.

as soon as the vent closed, i run there and follow them. "thomas." i whisper, unable to grab his attention.

i crawl and follow them.
"come on you're going to miss it!" the boy spoke in normal voice, thomas followed him again.

i gulp as they stopped and i hid behind a corner.

thomas had seen something that shocked him, he moved for a better view.
"they bring in new ones every night like clockwork." he boy spoke lowly.

the boy quickly crawled away. "we have to be quick out of here before someone notices us missing."
thomas looked up to him. "wait. what's your name?" he asked.
the boy stopped to say. "aris."

he crawled away quickly and thomas followed him, managing to make his way back to the dorm.

i always feel as if i'm the watcher to this and i hate it.

when morning came we all headed to the cafe to see who would be picked next.
janson once again drawed out his clipboard, saying the names..











"last but not least, david."

newt turned to thomas. "let's keep our heads down."

he never said that to me.

i tap the table beneath me, strutting my way over to the soldiers with a pit of anger.
newt leant backwards in shock. "what is she doing?"
frypan does the same thing, sarcastically. "i think she's drawing attention to herself."

i walk over to the crowd, trying to blend into it only to be stopped by the same soldier, he pushed me away slightly. "you weren't called." he said. "this is a restricted area kid."

i try to walk through, only for him to almost grope my boobs. my furrow my brows with fury, leaning backwards and taking a blow of my fist to his face.

this alerted the entire department. newt and minho pulled me back from the soldiers so that they didn't grab me.

janson comes running between the two soldiers. "what's happening here?" he shouts. "olivia? do you not remember what we talked about?"

the boys look at me, confused. "your name is olivia?" newt asked, still holding onto my arm.
janson pulled up to me, tapping my shoulder. "we're all on the same team here."

i pace my breath, my eyes narrowing. "are we?"

he scoffs quietly, looking at the floor.
"get them to their bunks."

all of us are escorted to our bunks, almost thrown in. the door slammed shut. minho and newt glare at me with annoyance. "you didn't really think that they'd just let you through, huh?"

i shook my head, chucking naughtily. "of course not." i held up a keycard to my face. "i'm sure dr. stern will let me through."

they all sigh, wiping their heads.
thomas stood next to me. "how did you know to do this?"
i shrugged. "i follow you and aris in the vents and plus i've always had a gut feeling about this place."

newt stands his argument, but i kind of block his words out of my head. he plays the pity card only making me more angry.

the vent rattles and pops open, aris comes crawling out. "hey thomas." he spoke out of breath.

thomas slid under the bed, i give aris the keycard.
"we have to find out for sure." i take a big gulp, following them into the vents.

aris, who is at the front turns to thomas, almost whispering. "who's the girl?"
i rolled my eyes, still behind them crawling quickly. "i can hear you and my name is olivia."
he nodded his head, finding the end.

he pops open the vent. thomas went down first, falling to his feet. he narrated aris to follow him. he falls down next. then me. aris shut the vent door, it made a loud clash. hope to god nobody heard that.

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