☆ chapter nine - 𝙣𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙨. 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚. ☆

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we enter a door saying 'exit.' everyone hesitantly walks through it, still clearly out of breath. thomas look up to the ceiling, notices the lights switching on, meeting a pathway.

we all walk through the passage of pipes together and walking through another exit door.

we enter quietly, i gasp silently seeing a trail of bodies on the floor. the lights were flickering, enough light to see the lab in front of us.
"what happened here?" i hold my mouth to prevent myself from vomiting.

everyone lingers around, investigating until thomas laid his fingers on a red button, alerting the gladers.

a woman on the screen with blonde hair pops up, i almost jump out of my skin. she spoke formally. "hello. my name is dr. ava paige. if you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the maze trials."
everyone groups around each other, getting a distinct look.

"i'm sure you must all be very confused, angry, frightened. i can only assure you that everything happen to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason. you won't remember, but the sun has scored our world. billions of lives lost."
i gulp, seeing the families burnt.

the whole world i had imagined it to be was so different from the pictures.

she continued. "what came after was worse. we called it the flare. a deadly virus that attacks the brain. it is violent, unpredictable, incurable. or so we thought.
a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. but finding it would not be easy. the young would have to be tested, even sacrificed inside of harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied. all to understand what makes them different, what makes YOU different. you all are very important. unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. it may be too late for us, for me, but not for you. the outside world awaits."
the pants slowly, pulling out a gun and holding it to her hand.
"remember.. - WCKD is good."

i look away quickly as does thomas. she shoots herself immediately.

we all see dr. ava paige lying dead on the floor as we avert our eyes.

a loud alarm blares, a croaked door opens, like a tunnel with a light at the end.

chuck looks to me, confused. "is it over?"
newt also glared at me. "she said we were important. what are we supposed to do now?"

i bit the inside of my cheek anxiously. "i don't know.."
"let's go." i mutter with a heart of flutter.

i hear a familiar voice echo behind me. "no."
gally stood firmly behind us, holding what everyone sees as a gun.

i try to approach him but teresa stops me. "don't. he's been stung."
i look towards him with fear, the veins runs down and up his neck, it made me quiver down my spine.

he stood sobbing softly, he's drops the metal stinger to the floor.
"we can't leave."

he hand was shaking whilst holding the gun. "gally. it's me." i sniffle. "please put down the gun."

he ignores me, interrupting. "there's no escape from this place." he levels the gun towards me. my eyes shake with tears. "gally, please."

"i belong to the maze." he murmurs.


gally stumbles over gasping, a spear directly at his lung. he looks towards me for a quick escape. i could see the last moments of life in his eyes.

i fall over towards him as he hit his knees to the floor.
"gally?" i stutter. he falls to his side. i don't touch him.

nothing ever felt so real than this.

i couldn't even cry anymore.

i turn my face towards the others, seeing chuck laying in thomas' arms.

it was all in slow motion, but yet happening so fast.

first it was ben's death, then my brothers and now gally's and chuck's.

everyone that i've ever loved has died in front of me and it could've been something i could have changed.

i crawl towards chuck with my heart in my hands. my body pours out with hatred.
he looks up to my eyes. "greenie. find your parents for me."

he had heard mine and my brothers conversation.

i nod my head, brushing my hands against his hair. "i will chuck. i'll do it for you. i promise."

i kiss his hand as everyone watches his eyes close and body lay cold.

he falls out of my grasp.
i stand up, my legs shaking, i kick the closest thing to me, screaming at the top of my lungs. "FUCK!" veins popped from my forehead and neck.

i've never been so angry in my life.

the room went silent, all was heard was my panting breath, nothing was able to calm me down as i was melting down.

the door to the tunnels opened with soldiers running in with guns, grabbing us instantly.
i fought my way out of their grip, punching one in the face but only for them to put a bag over my head and almost wheel me out of the tunnel.

i feel sand under my feet, unable to look around. by i follow everybody else into the helicopter. the group pants as they see a strange man speak. "you guys alright?!"
"don't worry you're safe now."

i sit by myself in the corner, i look down at the floor with my puffy eyes. the glade has seemed much bigger than i had thought.

'olivia had seemed to be surprisingly strong. they had fallen for the bait. it's too soon to say, but they could be the key to everything. so let's move forward.'

'it's time now to begin phase two.'

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