△ chapter twenty - 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙚 △

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the air was cold and the feeling in my stomach was back. the sound soaring of a truck echoed behind me, until it stopped.

suddenly the revving increased, driving down the side of the already zooming train. i side beside vince, holding a radio, switching it on. "KEEP THEM BUSY." i shouted into the radio.

the sand breeze hit my face, but i was so used to it by now that it didn't faze me. vince increased speed, keeping a safe distance from the truck brenda and jorge were in.

brenda came through the top of the car, holding out a gun towards the carriage, shooting through the front windows.

the bumpy ride only became more intense as soon as vince hit the tracks, following behind the last carriage. "ARE YOU SURE OLIVIA?!" he screamed over the rattling noise.
i nodded to turn my head, focusing my attention on how close we became.

i crawled out from the window onto the front of the car, keeping a steady foot on the bumper. "GET CLOSER!" i screamed, holding a hook in my hands.

i quickly clip the car to the end of train. i make a big jump to the end of the carriage, holding onto the ladder. "come on vince!" he quickly followed through as i caught him before the car tires popped.

the car flipped, i made a whopping sound and a sigh of relief. my hair almost getting caught in the wind. "you're fucking crazy." he chuckles, trying to catch his breath after a near death.

i attempt to climb the ladder but only stopped once i heard the sound of an aircraft approaching. "oh shit." vince sighed. i reached for my radio. "BRENDA. YOU GOT COMPANY."

the aircraft opened fire as jorge swerved the car quickly to avoid the penetrating bullets to the sandy floor. they drove off to a plan area, away from the train.
"you're on your own now olivia. don't die."

me and vince quickly climbed up the ladder onto the top of the train, only to be met with soldiers on the other side. i reach for my pistol before vince quickly climbed down to unhook the train carriages.

i clock my pistol, jumping down to where vince is, standing in front of him. as soon as i met the faces of the soldiers i opened fire. they demanded. "GET DOWN! GET DOWN!"

eventually vince had set up a bomb on the connection of the two carriages. "WE'RE SET! RUN! GO!" he asserted, climbing up the ladder.
i managed to creep behind the side of the train, clinging for my life.

i turn my face from the big explosion, it caused the train to slow down quickly, the tires squeaked. once it slowed down i jumped off with vince, giggling. i whistle with my fingers and teeth, calling out for newt, thomas and the rest.

i glanced over to the separated carriages, seeing men in suits approaching with taunting guns. "shit, it's going to be close." vince gulped, turning back to newt.

i climbed up a visible ladder to attach ropes to the carriage. "how you doing newt?!" i asked from above me. i'm surprised he heard me from how loud the fire drill he was using was. "don't rush me!"

the soldier were close enough to start shooting. i pull out my pistol, knocking down two soldiers. "GET UP HERE, NEWT!"
"almost there!" he groaned.

vince hurriedly climbed down, covering for newt, by putting his body in front of him. finally newt had finished and he climbed up the ladder, with vince still covering for him. vince grabbed onto the ladder further in, whilst newt and a few other boys joined us at the top. "fuck. where are they?!"

i continued to perpetrate my bullets from above and so does thomas, until we hear the roaring of the aircraft above us. beneath it released a hook towards us, of which we managed to hook onto the ropes. i shot another couple of soldiers to the floor as we started to fly through the air.

everyone cheered loudly with happiness. it was all finally fucking over.

i hugged newt tightly, he tapped my back and spoke. "we did it!"

we managed to find a safe spot and bursted open the door. there sat a ton of children tied up with chains against their wrists. "fuck.." me and newt started to unclip a couple, before thomas paced the room, looking for minho.

i see thomas' distraught eyes as he looked back at me. "he's not here." thomas said lowly. i clenched my jaw. "what the fuck do you mean he's not here?!" vince grabbed my back, leading me out of the carriage.

as soon as i stepped outside i marched off towards my hut, watching through the crack in the wooden door, every single person we've rescued.

i hit my lip and turned out, kicking my trashbin in a pile of anger.
how the fuck could we forget him?

still with the anger pouring out of me i walk out of my hut, seeing vince stood looking over the crowds of teenagers. "i know you've been through hell and back. i wish i could say our troubles are over. WCKD is still out there, they're not giving up. they took you because you're immune. once we get this rusty boat sea-worthy we're going to go to a place where WCKD will never find you."
the crowd cheered. a small tear fell down my face as i felt sick to my stomach.

there's nothing in my body that's telling me to leave minho and go to the safe haven. i don't have it in me.

i walk over back to my hut, only to see thomas, sonya, harriet, newt, aris and brenda all together sat, talking everything out.

i slowly walked into the hut, leaning against the doorway. thomas questions aris cuts on his face. "i fought back." he said. "tried to, anyway."

newt looked at his cup nervously. "any idea where you guys were heading?"
aris looked concerned as sonya was almost force drinking aris. "all i know is.. they kept talking about a city."

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