"Lauren," Camila said shaking me as I lay in bed.

"Yes," I said.

"I am smelly," Camila said.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only eleven at night. I sighed and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Camila followed behind me excitedly. I ran the water in the tub until it became hot and poured bubble bath into the tub. I closed the drain and the tub began to fill up with water and bubbles. Camila wasted no time getting undress and getting into the tub. She splashed water on me getting me wet and giggled softly. I turned off the water once the tub was filled.

Camila looked around the tub and then I handed her the rubber duck, she began to play with it. I grabbed a wash cloth and started to bathe Camila. She could do it by herself, but if I don't do it then she will whine about it and have a tantrum. She did that exact thing when Ally offered to bathe her instead of me since I was still recovering from the car accident. Ally and Dinah tried to teach her how to shower, but she got afraid of the water falling down on her. Taylor thinks that Camila only wants a bubble bath because Sinu started to do that for her once she was released from the hospital.

"Get in Lolo" Camila said as she played with the rubber duck.

I yawned. "Maybe next time," I said kissing Camila on the forehead.

"Okay, next time" Camila said smiling at me before focusing back on her rubber duck.

I could help but notice the scars on Camila's body. Some of them were some that I've never seen before. I would like to think they were from the car accident or when I accidently hit her with my car, but some of her marks looked like they came from some sort of burn. I knew that now would be my time to ask Camila about Sinu.

"Camila," I said.

"Yes," Camila said as she stopped playing with the rubber duck.

"What happened here?" I asked pointing to the scar on her side.

"My mom burned me because I got a question wrong" Camila said completely unfazed by my question.

It made me wonder whether or not Camila's medical records were even accurate.

"What question wrong?" I asked.

"I do not remember but it was a question about you but I didn't know the answer. My mom got mad and grabbed a lighter and burned me with it until I got it correct" Camila said.

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"She said to make me good Camila not bad Camila like before" Camila said.

As much as I wanted to hug Camila and tell her that everything will be fine, I had to get more information out of her about Sinu for my plan and to report back to Ally.

"Do you remember where you were when Sinu did this?" I asked.

"A dark building," Camila said as I washed her back and then handed her the wash cloth so she could clean the rest of herself.

"Like your house?" I asked.

"No, it wasn't home it was a scary place where no one could hear me scream" Camila said looking down.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to" I said.

"I'm not dumb, you want to know where she is" Camila said.

"Yes, but you don't have to tell me" I said.

"She's not there anymore. We left for homecoming" Camila said.

"Do you know where she might be?" I asked.

"No, she didn't like talking to me because she said I was stupid" Camila said.

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