Chapter 27: Pressurised Air

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A/N: Ahhh I don't want this book to end!

Scott paced the room, back and forth. His mind was racing as he tried to focus, he couldn't focus. Why couldn't he focus? "Scott please," Liam begged, tugging and pulling at his restraints as he met the brown eyed boy's glance. "I won't tell, j-just let me go."

Scott shook his head, he couldn't talk to him, he couldn't let Liam get in his head. They were close, too close. He couldn't let this little shit ruin that for him, no way. "Scott," Liam said, his voice wavering as he watched Scott pace "please just talk to me."

"No." Scott didn't want to talk to him, he knew that wouldn't end well. It wouldn't benefit anyone, it would only mess with his head.

"Scott," Liam said, his voice stressed as he spoke. "Please, I know you don't want to hurt me. Just let me go and we can figure this out together?" Liam was willing to try anything, to do anything if it got him out of this situation.

"Shut up!" Scott shouted.

But of course, Liam didn't listen. "No," he replied, tugging at the duct tape that was holding him back. "You're not a killer, you don't hurt people Scott. You're a good person who's making a bad choice."

Scott laughed, "no Liam, that's where you're wrong." He turned to face the scared teenager, "I am a bad person who's going to continue to make bad choices, these choices are going to benefit me, at everyone else's expense."

"I don't believe that-" Liam replied, "you are not a bad person."

"Do you want to die Liam?" Scott asked, his brow twitching as he walked forward. Placing his hands on the arms of the chair as he was closer to Liam's face. "Because if you keep going, that's what is going to happen."

"You don't want to hurt me," Liam said, his voice barely a whisper.

Scott nodded, "you're right, I don't..." he pulled back only to pull out a pocketknife from his jacket. "But I will if you don't shut up," he said, the sharp part of the knife underneath Liam's chin.

Liam gulped, feeling the point of the knife scrap his throat. "You're not a monster Scott," he whispered, his eyes glistening as he spoke. "I can help you if you just let me," the knife pressed forward and Liam paused.

"Stop talking now," Scott snapped, pulling back and flipping the pocketknife so that the knife was no longer visible. "I have to do what I have to do, if I kill you... that's just an unfortunate loss."


"Are you sure this is the right way?" Alec asked, hesitant as they looked down the tunnel. "What? I can't be the only one who thinks this looks like a death trap. How do we know she isn't trying to lure us to our death?"

Ella rolled her eyes and took a step forward, "fine, I'll go first." She turned to face them as she stepped down the ladder, the immediate smell of rotten food infiltrated her nostril.

"It smells foul," Mason said with a gag, covering his nose with his hand as he was the next one to go down. "Come on guys, we don't know how much time Corey was able to buy us."

Alec groaned but followed suit, grabbing the sides of the ladder and beginning to climb down it. That was when Theo heard the door handle begin to twist, he quickly kicked Alec down the rest of the way. Grabbing the handle he shut the trap door and slid down the ladder using the sides of it, "mother fucker-"

Theo placed a hand over his mouth, "shut up," he said. Although he felt bad for kicking Alec, it had to be done. Ella ushered for them to follow her as they walked further through the tunnels, the smell getting stronger and stronger.

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