Chapter 15: Haunted Memories

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A/N: This chapter was one of my favourites to write, so with that being said I'm sure you now know it's not a fluffy one.

Warning: descriptions of sexual assault, violence, anxiety, panic attacks & child abuse.

His footsteps creaked beneath him as he looked around, the portal hadn't hurt which was nice. He had half expected it to burn his skin off or leave him bruised, but it didn't.

He turned to see Tara's face, taking in her features as he did. He noticed the similarities she shared with Theo, they both had the same dark hair and hazel eyes. Except hers turned purple and his turned blue, "I thought if you died you couldn't still be a spirit elemental?"

She smiled at his curiosity and relentless questions, it did seem fair considering he had never been here before nor experienced such a thing. "I chose to," she said, her voice soft and unlike the demon that had been haunting Theo.

"It is my duty and destiny to do what I can and considering I'm not alive I can't exactly run the school like the headmaster can... his job should have been mine, but I'll take what I can get," she shrugged.

"Do you miss it?" He asked before he could stop himself, it was now too late to double back. "Being alive I meant..."

She snorted at his blunt question, "I miss my brother," she said in a calm tone as they reached pavement, "do you recognise the area?" She asked.

Liam paused, he didn't even realise they have been walking until she spoke. His legs seemed to have been moving while he was distracted talking to her, "this is my old street..."

She nodded, "that's your old house, before the fire." She said pointing to it, the home was nothing special. Your typical suburban white fence house, "come on."

He froze up, "no," he said shaking his head. He wasn't scared to see the house not burnt, he was scared of seeing his father inside. Unfortunately he didn't get much say in the matter, the further she walked it seemed to have caused a tug in his chest.

Pulling him towards her he stumbled over his own feet, "sorry, I don't make the rules." She continued to walk until they reached the front door, "we're going to go inside now okay? You need to go first."

He nodded uncomfortably, "do I just open the door?" He asked, his hand wavering over the handle. But before he could twist it she swatted his hand, giving him a smile.

"We're basically ghosts Liam, they can't see us but we can see them... think of this like a movie, just not a very good one..." he took a step forward, his body seemingly melting through the door as he entered.

His heart began to race as he looked around, picture frames of him and his parents were scattered everywhere, be reached for one but like Tara had said, they were like ghosts. His hand waved right through the frame, "this is weird."

"My job is to show you why you're with me Liam," her voice was calm as she walked further into the house, "all your mistakes and wrong doings will be shown to you during your stay with me, it won't be nice and it won't be fun."

He nodded, listening intently to her words despite his anxiety. "I didn't mean to set my house on fire... it was an accident."

"I know that," Tara replied, running a gentle hand down her cheek. "But unfortunately two lives were lost that night, which makes it a wrong doing. That's why your eyes glow, you have taken the life of innocence."

"Two?" He frowned, he didn't know two people had died that night. His head shook as he took a step back, "no it was just my father who died, nobody else." His voice stammered as he met her gaze, "you have it wrong, it was one death."

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