Chapter 25: Charades

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A/N: Oh my godddd only five chapters left! <3

"If he keeps looking at us I'm going to wipe that smirk off his face," Theo said with a slight growl to his voice, his eyes darting between his food and Brett. Liam's hand reached for Theo's arm and he offered a small smile, "he deserves it."

"I know," Liam said in a soft yet understanding tone, "but that doesn't mean you have to be the one to deliver him his karma." Liam was right, but that didn't make it any less frustrating.

Brett had no reason to smirk, "he's going to get what's coming to him," Alec said from his spot across from them, "trust that."

Liam sighed, "you guys and your revenges.... It's going to get you killed." He shook his head at their words, he knew that revenge brought them a peace of mind but it really didn't. All it ever did was hurt other people, families and innocent people. Sure, Brett wasn't innocent but his mother was. She didn't deserve to lose a son to some petty revenge scheme.

"Nolan is dead because of him." Alec snarled.

"And Isaac," Theo added, although Brett wasn't fully responsible. He led Isaac down that path, he led Isaac to his death. Another smirk and Theo was standing up, and pointing a finger in Brett's direction, "Stop looking at us you stupid mother fu-"

"Stop it," Liam said, grabbing Theo's arm and sitting him back down. "He is not worth it; do you understand me?" he cupped Theo's face, forming the older boy to meet his gaze. "Please, just calm the hell down."

"Fuck this," Alec said, jumping opff his chair and rushing towards Brett. The taller boy saw this coming and had the time to stand up, "you killed Nolan! You did! You think it's okay to stand here every fucking day like a free man while people- no, kids are fucking dying!"

"Oh Jesus," Stiles said as he walked towards them with Ella by his side, "this isn't going to end well, is it?"

Ella shrugged, "I say we let Alec have at him, he deserves it."

Liam rolled his eyes, "that doesn't make it okay." He stood up, placing his tray on the table before turning to his friends. "We can't be trying to stop a killer by allowing ourselves to be killers, it's not right."

Ella bit her tongue as to not cause a scene, although she fully believed Brett had it coming, he had been getting away with this kind of c4ap for far too long now. It was about time someone out him in his place, regardless of his outcome. 

Alec threw the first punch, sending the taller boy backwards. Only for Brett to laugh as punch after punch was delivered to his face, finally Theo intervened. He grabbed Alec back, staring at the taller boy with a bloody nose.

"Did he tell you he likes it when you nibble on his ear?" Brett chuckled, "because he does—he did. He's dead now, isn't he?" Alec saw red, he leapt out of Theo's arms and tackled Brett to the ground.

"Alec stop!" Liam yelled, rushing forward and helping Theo in grabbing the feral human that was named Alec. "He is not worth it! Nolan wouldn't want this!" Liam yelled, hoping to get through to him somehow.

Brett let out a grunt, blood spitting through his gritted teeth as he wiped his nose. "Theo," he said with a smirk, "how about your boy?"

Theo slowly turned his head, "tread very fucking lightly Talbot," he threatened. But Brett didn't seem to care, he wanted to push them. He knew where and how to push them too, he was pressing all the right buttons.

"Does Liam scream for you too?" he mocked, Liam felt his body freeze up. "Because he sure did for me," Brett laughed.

"Theo no," Mason said rushing forward, "don't do this man, this is what he wants. He's fucking sick in the head."

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