Chapter 20: Dead End

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A/N: Ahhh we only have 10 chapters to go!

"Are you really going to keep staring at me?" Allison asked, her brown curls falling beside her face as she met Theo's gaze. "I already told you, I don't know anything, and I can't help you weirdos."

Theo rolled his eyes, "I didn't say anything princess," he snorted. It was lunch time and most of the students were just mingling as normal, acting as if something wasn't going horribly wrong at this school.

"Hey," Mason said taking a spot beside Theo much to the other boy's disapproved glance. "Have you spoken to Alec today?"

Theo sighed, "no, he wouldn't talk to me when I tried to."

Mason nodded; he didn't really get much out of Alec either. "We need to keep an eye on him," Mason declared.

"I'm worried about him," Theo replied, and it was true. He had a soft spot for Alec, something about him made Theo feel protective of him. "Are you okay? I know he was your best friend."

Mason nodded, "I'll be okay," he said in a soft tone, eyeing his plate with minimal food. His appetite hadn't been as strong since these murders began and with Nolan gone, it was almost like his need for food had vanished. "It's just weird," he shrugged.

Theo turned to face him, showing that he was listening. "He was just there, and then... now he's gone..." Theo nodded, not knowing how to comfort Mason with much else but he wanted him to know he was here for him too.

"I'm here for you," he said in an almost robotic voice making Mason laugh, "sorry I'm not good at this kind of stuff."

"It's okay, Corey's been really helpful. I appreciate you though," Mason said, "and I'm here for you too, especially since Liam cares about you that means I do too."

Almost on cue Corey joined the table and sat beside Mason, "hey," he said fighting the urge to kiss him in front of everyone.

"Is this now the table everyone hangs at?" Allison snapped, standing up and grabbing her tray.

"Ally," Scott said in a soft tone, "just sit."

She eyed him before sitting back down, "I don't like them," he said, "I don't care if they're you're friends, they're not mine."

Scott wouldn't call them friends, but he knew everyone and was always nice to everyone he met or was around. "Just be nice, they're not so bad."

"Where's Isaac?" Theo asked, meeting Scott's worried eyes.

"Detention," Scott sighed, "after the incident yesterday-"

"Incident?" Mason snapped, "that wasn't an incident. Nolan is dead and it's Isaac and Brett's fault, don't fucking call it an incident."

Everyone seemed taken back by Mason's sudden outburst, "calm down Mase," a voice said, he turned to see Liam standing behind him, a soft and comforting smile on his face.

"Hey Li," he replied, scooting over so Liam could fit between himself and Theo. "I was simply correcting Scott."

Liam snorted, "Oh yes sure, that's definitely what it sounded like," he said placing his tray down and eyeing his food. "Brett didn't get detention," he said turning to see Brett eating alone at a table behind them.

"Unfortunately," Stiles said as he took his seat beside Scott with Ella beside him, "we got to figure this shit out, they're somehow two steps ahead of us."

"They're smart," Scott said, shaking his head.

"I really don't want nor need to be a part of this conversation," Allison said glaring at them all, "I don't cate what you guys are up to, just leave me out of it."

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