Chapter 5: Speechless

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A/N: I was re watching vampire diaries for the tenth time and I am unwell :((( I have a tvd x teen wolf fic in my drafts that I need to start working on lmfaooooooo

A/N: mentions of death (not heavily detailed) & swearing

"Gwen, this can't become a habit," Liam said getting out of bed and glaring daggers her way, "you need a life, seriously." Gwen rolled her eyes, finding herself sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Look, I made a mistake..." she said in a calm tone, her real self. Not the cocky overly dramatic way she portrayed herself, this was the Gwen he had fallen for. "I didn't want to hurt you, he was pushy and it happened..."

"You still cheated on me," Liam said standing up and ignoring her, he wouldn't fall victim to her games yet again. "You cheated on me and then you rubbed it in my face, with Brett of all people."

"I fucked up- I'm fucked in the head Liam-"

"You are," Liam nodded, "and I don't want that in my life, I did good in class- I'm doing good now... I can't risk ruining that," he explained. For the first time Liam was excited for class, he was excited to practice and engage with other students.

"Fine," Gwen said with a pouty expression, "then I'll give you an ultimatum," she stated standing up. Their faces now inches apart as she met his curious gaze, "give me another chance or I'll ruin your life, it's that simple."

Liam had to hold back his laugh, "oh, so now you're threatening me?" he asked in an amused tone but judging by her face expression she was being serious. "Gwen," he said taking her hand, "you need to move on, go back to Brett or something. I am not interested."

"Fine, I warned you," Gwen said turning around before giving Liam a smirk, "don't cry when everything goes downhill," she taunted before exiting his room and slamming the door. Liam sighed, this wouldn't be good.

But how trouble could she really cause?


Nolan's leg bounced and his hand trembled. He had never received detention before, never once. He wasn't a bad kid, he wasn't a bad person. He made a mistake, people make mistakes.

The haunting screams, the pleads and the begging... it rang through his head. He felt on edge, he was scared. He had been sitting in his room for two hours, he hadn't moved.

A knock at the door had him jumping, his eyes welled with tears and his bottom lip began to shake. "Nolan?" a voice asked, he knew that voice. It was Mason, he was safe. Mason wouldn't hurt him, he would bever do that.

So why was Nolan still shaking?

"Can I come in?" Mason asked, his voice full of concern. Nolan couldn't talk, he couldn't open his mouth. A singular tear streaking down his face as his voice cracked.

please please come in...I need you.

But nothing came out.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Mason sighed assuming he didn't want to be bugged after everything he went through. "I'll come back alter," Mason said not knowing how broken Nolan was on the other side.

Nolan dropped to his knees, his chest aching and twisting.

Please don't leave me.

Nolan's sobs wrecked his body as he continued to shake. Bringing his knees to his chest he began to unconsciously rock back and forth. The emotions he was feeling, it was too much.


"I checked on him- I tried to, he wouldn't let me in," Mason sighed, brushing his hands over his face as Liam sighed. Looking up the building from their spot outside he saw Nolan's window open, "Liam?"

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