Chapter 13: Suspicions

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A/N: Hellooooo! I have had a hectic week but i was finally able to pre write some chapters for this fic and my others so i'm feeling way more relaxed. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, as i really enjoyed writing it hehe...

A/N: This chapter includes some hinting towards sexual assault but no s/a actually happens. It's just heavily indicated, so if that stuff triggers you skip the first scene <3

Brett chuckled, "now that he's gone, where were we?"

Liam hissed in pain as Brett's elbow dug into his rib, "fuck you." He pushed the taller boy back with all his strength, "you're a fucking psychopath you know that right?"

Brett rolled his eyes, "we used to have fun together, remember?" his eyes darkened as he took a step closer, leading Liam to take one back. "Oh, don't be like that sparky."

"Drop dead," Liam backed up until his back hit the wall, he closed his eyes on instinct. "Brett, just leave me alone! I fucking hate you, what part don't you understand? You were a shitty boyfriend, then you slept with Gwen when she was my girlfriend! Why the fuck would I want anything to do with you?"

Brett sighed, "so dramatic," he taunted. "I tell you what," he stalked closer until his mouth was inches from Liam's ear, "help me figure out who's killing everyone and I'll spare your precious Theo."

Liam frowned, his glassy blue eyes meeting Brett's icy ones. "You don't care who's killing people, why do you really want to find the killer?" he fought to keep his breathing steady, but he knew it was a losing game.

Brett snickered, "you got me," he raised his hands in defeat. "You just know me too well, don't you?" when Liam didn't respond he continued, "maybe I'm curious, call it a morbid curiosity."

"Liar," Liam shook his head, "you're up to something, what is it?"

Brett wedged his leg in between Liam's, "I think given your current vulnerability, you're not really in any position to be making demands, are you?"

Liam gulped; this was exactly why their relationship had bever worked. Brett did what he wanted, took what he wanted and left Liam in crumbles. Liam had always been too scared to fight back, to hurt to speak. But not this time, he wouldn't let himself be put in that position, not again.

"Get off me!" his voice was loud and clear, raising his knee it landed Brett right in the balls. Sending the taller boy to the ground he rushed for the door only for it to open, he was met with Theo's concerned and angry face. "Theo wait please-"

Liam thought he was going to leave him again, he thought Theo would hurt him or worse, hate him. But instead, he rushed forward, ignoring Liam and going straight for Brett. He grabbed the fire elemental by his hair, "you know what's funny?"

Brett didn't respond, probably a smart move on his end. "With all these murders happening, I could kill you and nobody would even care, they wouldn't bat an eye. You would be dead, and I would get away with it."

"Theo don't," Liam shut the door before taking a step closer, "he isn't worth it."

"My eyes already glow Liam, he isn't worth sparing."

Liam couldn't even disagree with him; Brett wasn't a good person. But that didn't mean it was okay for them to be killing people, "we need to figure out whose killing people, not add to the problem."

Theo paused, his nostrils flaring before he released his grip on Brett's hair and flung him forward. His head smacking into the wall before he bounced back with a grunt. "Touch him again and ill fucking kill you, got it?" Brett nodded, "get the fuck out of my sight."

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