Chapter 22: Sand Castles

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A/N: my tip for you readers, enjoy this chapter because it's only going to get darker and less fluffy from here :)))

"I don't want to do this," Theo whined, rolling his neck back as he walked towards the other water elementals. "A million things could go wrong," he stood beside Stiles who was equally as unimpressed.

"You're telling me," Stiles replied, although once the teacher stood at the front of the line, he closed his mouth. The teacher proceeded to explain that the headmaster has evacuated the school for the day, in order to do a full sweep through the halls and classrooms to find evidence of these murders.

"Pick a buddy and stay with them all day, understood?" the teacher said, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that Stiles and Theo would be sticking together. He caught sight of the fire elementals exiting the building, then the air and earth followed suit.

"Do we know where were going yet?" Stiles asked, not liking the idea of going back to the real world, not with everything that was going on.

"Nope," Theo said, popping the p as he spoke.

"This is going to be a long day, isn't it?" Stiles asked.

"Very," was Theo's cold response. Then the students were all led onto four different buses, each suited for their individual elemental houses. "Stop touching me," Theo complained, swatting at Stiles's hand.

Being cramped up, Stiles let out a groan. "Trust me, I'm not doing it on purpose," he said, his shoulders rubbing up against Theo's in an annoying manor. That was when the teacher stood up, telling the students they would be going on an adventure in the real world.

"The fuck?" Theo said with furrowed brows.

"Probably just to get us out of the school while they cleaned everything up," Stiles replied.

"What's to stop us from running away?" Theo wondered, having half the mind to take Liam's hand and escape once they arrived. But right on cue, the teacher came around and secured a bracelet on everyone. "What's this?" Theo asked.

"These bracelets connect you to me," the teacher responded, "nobody will go wondering on their own, you still stick together and if by chance you do go for a walk. I will be alerted of your location."

"And if you can't find us?" Theo wondered.

"I will press this button," she replied, showing a remote which had several buttons on it. "It will shock your body into unconsciousness and then we will bring you back to the school where you will receive a minimum of three days detention."

Theo shut his mouth, giving a look of annoyance and concern on his face. "Goodie," he grumbled, crossing his arms and laying back against the chair. As the bus started, it began driving towards the gate of the school. A faint purple glow around the gate could be seen as the bus pushed it's way through it, immediately as it did, Theo blinked.

Looking out the window it was as if they were in a small town, other cars could be visible, and the school vanished behind them. "That was pretty cool," Stiles said with a small smile, meeting Theo's gaze.

"It was something," Theo replied, looking around as they continued to drive past other vehicles, eventually their surroundings began to appear more beach side. There were palm trees, people riding bikes and roller blades and of course there were dogs.

Lots of dogs.

Finally, the bus stopped and the teacher led them off it, "magic bus dude," Stiles laughed, earning an unamused look from Theo. "Oh come on, that was funny," when Theo didn't reply he rolled his eyes, "I think I'm funny."

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