Chapter 6: Ice Shards

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A/N: Hiii my life has been so busy lately ahhh but i'm so excited to get further into this story and really start to show off the darker aspects of this plot hehe! Comments make my day and encourage me to write faster <3

Theo sighed, he would rather be anywhere else but here he was, in class. Sitting by Stiles of all people, he wouldn't even talk to him. Not that Theo blamed him, he did kind of punch him in the face.

"Water projection," their teacher spoke, his voice catching their attention- except for Theo. He didn't care, he couldn't control his powers anyways, so it didn't matter what they taught.

"The ability to project water from yourself is a beautiful ability, it has so much potential." The teacher continued raving on about water and how to control it, but Theo was more interested in watching the students faces.

The way some of them shrugged and didn't pay attention vs the others like Stiles who seemed to hang off the teacher's every word. Teacher's pet, "who would like to demonstrate?" the teacher asked and shocker, Stiles's hand flew up.

"I need another volunteer," the teacher said, but it seemed nobody else was confident enough to raise their hand. "Fine, Theodore get up," Theo's head shot up, not only at the mention of his full name being called but the fact that he was asked.

"No," Theo shook his head, he was not getting up or participating just to be made a fool of or risk hurting anyone. "I'm good, thanks teach," he said crossing his arms, his defiant behaviour only frustrating the teacher.

"Do you want a detention?" the teacher asked, walking closer until he was standing above Theo. "I don't think your friend Gabe took it so well, do you want to deal with that as well?" he asked, his eyebrow raised in challenge.

"Fine," Theo snapped, kicking his chair to the side as he stood up. "But if I hurt someone, it's on you-" he walked towards Stiles who seemed to be calm and in control, must be nice.

Theo stood across from Stiles as the teacher had instructed, "now what?" Theo asked, feeling his veins cool down, an icy sensation running through them. "I cant do this," Theo said shaking his head, he could feel his powers practically begging to be released.

It wasn't a good idea to hold them back, that is why this school was made. To help students learn how to control their powers, to use them for good. To be able to use them without fear and without hurting anyone else.

"Stiles, your job is to project water at Theo." The teacher then turned to Theo before he could complain, "your job Theo, is to deflect it." The teacher continued to explain how the water should meet in the middle until both boys absorbed it back into their bodies, it should be an easy skill for them.

"You don't understand, my water isn't water." Theo groaned, he had tried to explain this to the teacher many times but he never listened. "My water is frozen, it won't work," Theo said but the teacher again, dismissed him.

"On the count of three I want you both to project," the teacher said but Theo shook his head. He knew this wasn't going to end well, it would end with shards of ice flying at Stiles, hurting him.

"One," Stiles got into position, his hands placed outwards ready to send water the other boys way. "Two," Theo got into position against his better judgement, "three," Stiles shoved his hands forward, water flying out.

Theo tried not to use his powers, but he flung his hands outwards in defence, shards of ice spraying the room. He somehow froze Stiles's water in the process, the icicle stuck to Stiles's hand.

The teacher gasped before rushing to Stiles's aid, calling in the fire teacher and telling Theo to leave the classroom. Without hesitation Theo did just that, they were acting as if he didn't warn them what would happen.

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