Chapter 26: Small Doors

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A/N: The next few chapters will be a bit longer as i wrap up this book, so i hope you enjoy them <3

"So, you kidnapped him?" she snapped, flicking her brown hair behind her shoulder as Scott stood before her, an unconscious Liam beside him. "We can't risk getting caught Scott, we're too close to winning."

Scott sighed, "I know," he said. Looking down to Liam he knew the boy was still alive, "but if I didn't take him he would have blabbed to everyone, we can't risk them stopping us, not right now and not when we're so close to having everything we wanted."

"Fine," she huffed out, unhappy with Scott's actions but knowing it was too late to take them back now. "I still need an earth elemental Scott," she said with a hint of warning, almost like she was threatening him.

"I know," he replied softly, not wanting to further anger her. He knew she wouldn't kill him, but he didn't want to push his luck or test his chances. "Where should I put him?" he asked, noticing Liam begin to shift.

"Tie him to the chair," she said, her eyes darting to the chair in the corner of the room. They were in the basement underneath the school, only select individuals knew how to get here. Fortunately, the headmaster had told her, he was pretty easy to persuade.

"Mason or Alec?" Scott asked, dragging Liam to the chair and lifting him up so that he was sitting on it. Liam's head flopped backwards as Scott began to tie him to the chair, "do you still have any of those bracelets? Being a fire elemental, he could easily set fire to the chair and free himself."

She nodded, opening the draws and handing Scott one of the detention bracelets. "I still can't believe you convinced the headmaster that what we're doing is okay," Scott said with a forced laughed.

"He knows it isn't okay," she replied, walking towards Liam and stroking his cheek. "But he also knows Liam killed his wife," she smirked, "he would be happy to see this boy dead in a ditch."

Scott nodded, although he didn't want Liam to die he also knew how close they were to being able to leave this joint. He knew the headmaster was Stiles's dad, he knew that Stiles knew he know. But he grew up with Stiles, he would never betray him.

Except for her, he told her. She was able to blackmail the headmaster into doing what they wanted with the negotiation that they took out Liam, that was their deal. "Does he have to die?" Scott asked, really not wanting to hurt Liam and knowing he would be the one to do it.

She couldn't kill. After making the plan with Scott, he killed her. Taking her power before breathing it back into her dead body, she came back. She had been reborn and that was when they brought Isaac into it, easy manipulated Isaac.

Scott knew he wasn't cut out for this shit; Isaac had always been too soft and too kind. Theo was always getting himself involved in Isaac's business, messing with the dirty blonde's head.

"I made the headmaster a promise Scott," she stated, her voice as cold and chilling as he had expected. "He could have stayed out of it and minded his business and maybe we could have spared his life. But he kept digging around, he kept pushing it."

Scott knew she was right, it didn't make it any less shitty. "I understand," he replied, pulling back to see Liam was fully restrained to the chair. With duct tape securing his wrist to the chair arms and his ankles to the chair legs. He even went as far as to securing his waist to the back of the chair, "when should we?"

Scott kind of hoped she'd say now, while he was asleep. It would hurt less and would make for a faster death on Liam's part, he wouldn't have to suffer. He didn't want to make Lima suffer, he knew the younger boy had a good heart.

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