Chapter 21: Shadows

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A/N: I can't believe this book is almost over ughhhh but I am excited to release my royal au thiam fic once this one is completed <3

"Dude," Liam said raising a brow.

"Don't dude me, you know I'm right," Mason snickered, throwing the remainder of his pizza into the bin. "School food sucks, you'd think since we're forced to live here we would get fed better."

"Yeah, I miss my mums cooking," Liam replied, remembering when he would come home and his mum would make spaghetti Bolognese or baked dinners. "What I'd give for one of her meals," he smiled.

Mason nodded in agreement, "man your mum sounds so cool," he said with a sigh.

"What's your mum like?" Liam aske with furrowed brows, watching as his friends facial expression shifted.

"She's nice I mean... I just feel pressured to do good, she likes everything to be perfect and in place- she's a bit controlling I guess," Mason shrugged.

Liam nodded, "well when we graduate you can come over whenever you want," Liam said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you think he's at peace...?" Mason asked, catching Liam off guard.

"I like to think so," Liam replied, his soft blue eyes meeting Mason's brown ones as he offered him a smile. "He is okay," Liam said, trying to reassure him. But before Mason could respond he saw a flicker in the corner of his eyes, he whipped around.

"I saw it too," Mason said in a fast-paced tone, his head flicking to the side as he tried to find it again. That was when Liam remembered what they had found in Tara's folder, the shadow could be someone who died.

"Mase," Liam said grabbing the other boy's wrist, "in the folder's we read something- the spirit elemental is someone who died. It has to be, they can appear as a black shadow or purple light, they can't ever be fully invisible."

Mason's panicked expression met Liam's and he nodded, "we should go..." he said as the shadow appeared behind Liam, "now."

Liam nodded in agreement as they both turned and sprinted down the hall, not daring to look back and risk it getting closer to them. "It's a girl-" Liam snapped, remembering when Theo told him she was calling his name, that's why he thought it had been Tara.

"What!" Mason yelled, picking up the pace as they turned the corner, his mind racing as his chest felt heavy. Once around the corner he paused, his hand flying to his chest as he caught his breath. "I think we lost her," he said, loud breaths escaping his mouth as he leaned against the wall.

Liam nodded, bent over as he fought to catch his breath. "I'm certain it's a girl," he said before leaning back against the wall, "it makes sense, doesn't it?"

Mason shrugged, "dude when I'm not fighting for air, I'll get back to you on that one," he said with a faint laugh, Liam didn't get the chance to respond before Mason was shoved to the ground. "What the-" Mason whipped around, a black shadow standing over him.

"Mase," Liam panicked, grabbing the other boy's arm and pulling him back. The shadow wouldn't give up though, tugging at Mason's leg it managed to drag both boy's closer to the railing. "Stop it!" Liam yelled, his eyes widening as they got closer and closer.

"Liam!" Mason yelled, feeling his leg being tugged as they reached the railing. His heart was beating in his chest as he looked to Liam with scared eyes. Liam however saw red, his boy radiating heat as his eyes glowed a furious red.

"Let go!" Liam yelled, almost instantly a ring of fire surrounded them. The shadow figure almost instantly disappeared, with that happening Liam felt his control slowly returning as the heat flew to his palms.

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