Chapter 7: Love Me Not

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A/N: Hiii it feels weird not spam updating but it's helping my mental health to take my time with these chapters, anyways i hope you enjoy <3

"We're going," Mason said flashing off the flyer in his hands much to Liam's disgust, "plus, we kind of have to." Liam shook his head no, "come on Li! It'll be fun, don't make me go alone..."

"Go ask Nolan, I'm sure he'd go with you," Liam said turning and throwing his jacket to the bed, "in no world does a Valentine's Day dance sound fun to me, what happened at the last party we went to?" he gave Mason a knowing glance.

Mason sighed, "don't be a sour puss," he said with a pout making Liam laugh. "Ha! You laughed, that means that you have to come," he said handing Liam the flyer before skipping to the door, "seven o clock I'll be here!" with that Mason was leaving and shutting his door.

Liam was left mouth open and confused, "no?" he said but it was too late. He mentally cursed himself before reading over the flyer properly, "pink?" he groaned. Of course, it was pink and red themed, "ugh," he shook his head.

He didn't have anything pink, red maybe? He opened his draws to try and find something so he wouldn't be the odd one out, unfortunately for him- he did own a dark red button up. Now he had no excuse not to go, not that Mason would be complaining.

The remainder of the night was peaceful, Liam had managed to finish some of his theory work before having a shower, wrapping the towel around his waist he exited and nearly had a heart attack when he saw Gwen sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Gwen?" he asked noticing her body language wasn't its usual confident and arrogant stance. He heard a sniffle and kicked his luck, "what's wrong?" he asked before he began approaching her.

The girl slowly began to turn his way, his eyes full of tears as she met his gaze. "I did a bad thing," she said, and Liam's eyes widened, could she have been the one to kill Malia? Did she take Malia's powers? Was she about to confess to him?

It didn't help that he was quite literally naked and wet, but he tried his best to comfort her. "What happened? You can talk to me," he said rubbing her back, having never seen her so upset.

Even after he caught her cheating on him, she didn't cry like this. "I-I slept with Brett again," she cried, Liam felt his stomach drop. He wasn't surprised, but why the fuck was she telling him this?

"Ok," he said shaking his head and standing up, he didn't need this shit. Not right now and not before having to socialise and potentially-most likely, see Brett. "You should probably leave," he said turning to his draws and searching for a pair of pants.

Gwen stood up, her tear-stained cheeks were flushed. "No, please..." she said grabbing his hand. "Come with me, to the dance," she said in an almost pleading voice, it was almost pathetic.

"No," he said shaking his head, realising now why she was here. "You made that mistake Gwen, you can't fix it by seeing with me," he snatched his hand back and grabbed out a pair of black jeans.

Her eyes glowed red as she felt her veins warm up, "no!" she snapped. His eyes flew back to her and he could see the fire around her, a small glow. "You're going to the dance with me," she hissed.

Fire elemental 101, they are hot headed. Liam knew that, he knew he was going to have to approach this cautiously if he didn't want his room set on fire. "Gwen, calm down please," he said softly.

Gwen's power was almost overwhelming, "you're going with me, y-you have to!" her voice wavered, it was almost like she was afraid, but Liam couldn't quite tell why.

"No, I'm going with Mason and Nolan... you need to leave Gwen, please." His eyes softened when he saw her hands shake, she was close to losing control and he could tell. "Please go and get yourself cleaned up," he added.

ElementalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora