Chapter 11: Breathless

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A:N: I just found my old favourite Jyler fanfic I used to love reading when i was 13 years old... I have been non stop re reading it like a maniac, what I would give to re read it for the first time again oh my god!

Comments are appreciated <3

A/N: murder (hanging), anxiety & violence

Liam bit his nails nervously, trying not to seem like an anxious wreck was actually a lot harder than you would think. He had spent all morning trying to memorise what to say to Ella, how he would bring it up. He couldn't just approach her and be like, "Hey, so you stabbed me that was funny- but why?"

He looked up as the bell rang, he turned to see Ella almost rushing out of the room. He grunted as he tried to chase after her but due to his injury he couldn't get far. "What's up with you Hoppy?" Brett chuckled from his seat.

"Don't start with me Brett," Liam groaned, really not in the mood for Brett's attitude and drama. "Unless you have something actually helpful to say I would appreciate it if you backed off," Liam seethed.

Brett rolled his eyes, "always the dramatics with you isn't it sparky?" he leaned down until his breath was hot on Liam's ear, "or should I say fireball? Is that what your boytoy called you?"

"Shut up!" Liam hissed, angry at himself for even letting this idiot get to him but he couldn't help it. Brett always knew exactly where to dig and how far to push him, "you're a piece of shit, you know that right?"

Brett snickered, "you didn't think that when I was inside of you," he smirked and God it took every ounce of strength Liam had not to punch him in the face right then and there.

"Yeah, and then I dumped your ass and got with Gwen-"

"And then she cheated on you with me, how full circle," Brett smirked, although it was short lived when Liam's fist collided with his cheek. Despite the fact that he had kind of walked into that line, he didn't care.

"I fucking hate you!" Liam yelled, throwing constant punch after punch which was only given back to him by Brett. The pair continued to fight until they were pulled apart by security, "let go of me!"

"Both of you stop!" the security guard yelled, his grip only tightening around the younger boy. "Don't make me get your headmaster," he threatened, only then did they both simmer down.

"Fuck you,"

"Fuck you too," Brett replied before turning to see Gwen amongst the people that had been watching them, a cocky grin appeared on his face as he walked towards her, cupping her face and kissing her.

Liam looked around, the world feeling like it was spinning as he gasped. Dropping to his knees, his breathing became restricted, it was almost like a panic attack but- no. It was worse, way worse. He couldn't breathe, he actually could not breathe.

"Liam get up," he felt strong arms lifting him to his feet and dragging him into a vacant classroom, given the fact that it was now lunch time the students began to disperse outside. But Theo was here, helping him, "Liam take a deep breath."

The younger shook his head, physically unable to, his hand flew to his throat as he desperately tried to gasp for air. Theo looked at him confused and concerned, his head flying back to see someone standing by the open door, he felt the pressure of the air being sucked in that direction.

Someone was stealing Liam's oxygen, the same way Gabe had done it to Nolan. Theo rushed to the door and slammed it shut, half of him wanting to chase the person and figure out who it was but the other half refused to leave Liam alone.

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