Final Episode: Episode 9

Start from the beginning

"Looks like we're a perfect match," smirked the girl.

"I agree." Eli said staring at the blue eyes of the stranger which were just as ambitious to get to know him as he was to know her.

K.C. nudged him on the shoulder once more and then he whispered in his ear, "Ask her her name." He was just as lost in love over the girl and was barely sane enough to beg his friend to get a move on his escort.

"I'm Eli." He suddenly sounded more like his suave, mysterious self when he outstretched his hand towards her.

The girl took his hand and smiled simply, "Gracie."

"Gracie." Eli repeated sounding as though he had won the jackpot and then it suddenly dawned on him. That name sounded way too familiar, "Gracie?" He looked at the girl as though suddenly she was the most disgusting thing. "Gracie?" He was definitely shocked now. He looked devastated beyond repair.

"What's wrong? You said you liked it." The girl protested suddenly worried.

"Oh my God!" bellowed Eli repulsively.

"Since when were you so religious," teased Gracie as she stepped forward and tried to touch his hand. 

Eli quickly removed his hand before she could touch him and was looking very distraught now; sick by the very eyes that previously held so much promise, "You're sick." He quickly made a dash for it, dodging as best as he could whoever was in his way. The girl stood there lost in her own rejection as though she couldn't quite fathom the reality of what just played out. It was the perfect plan, what did she do that was so wrong?

[theme song]

              "Fuchsia, fuchsia," mumbled Connor to himself as he paced through the crowd; which wasn't exactly the easiest thing as the music was the liveliest it had been all night. Dave was trying his best to keep up. 

Connor stopped in his track and sighed loudly and he seemed to hesitate before he tapped the girl on her shoulder, "Hi. I think I'm your date for the night. Fuchsia looks nice on you." Connor held up a card embodied in a brilliant shade of fashion fuchsia. 

The brunette frowned when he showed her the card, "This is hot pink, four-eyes." She dismissed him hurtfully and took hold of her friend's hand and stomped further from him.

Dave was busying himself in laughter at the spectacle but then quickly stopped when he noticed the hurt expression in his friend's eyes. He patted him on the back, "Look, man, it's your fault. You should have checked the website out days ago, otherwise you'd be here with your date all right now."

"But..." started Connor.

"But, you were more hoping to get Angie jealous when she sees you with your hot date tonight," teased Dave.

Connor looked up at him with big, expressive eyes, "How'd you know?"

Dave smiled courteously, "I know these things." His eyes then lingered over to the other side and he became suddenly anxious, "Look, pal, I've got to go. My lady just" He was watching his friend curiously; he knew he shouldn't leave him all alone but after all he had so many fabulous moments to look forward to with Sadie.

"Hi, guys," she greeted looking lovely in a sapphire strapless gown. Dave's tie matched perfectly. As Dave went over to greet her, the two looked a perfect pair, "I thought you weren't coming," Sadie continued.

"Angie..." Connor said matter-of-factly.

Sadie nodded; she knew only too well about Angie, "I don't want to be rude or anything. This is a match-up Valentine's day party - you signed up right?" Connor nodded to this, "Then go out there and find her..."

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