"Of course, our great cheerleading skills comes first," Lisa teased.

"Alright, girls. You guys have to make me proud while I'm gone. I want nothing but the best!" she continued excitedly and loudly, "Music." She directed and the pumping, fast-paced music filled the gymnasium much to the crowd's delight and anticipation. It was getting started.

The girls proceeded in a one by one fashion to which it seemed each girl was well-prepared to her own music and choreography. Chantay and Lisa were busy behind a desk scribbling notes on behalf of the performance. They smiled cheerily at a few and then gave suspicious glances at one another whenever there was a mistake or the girl's routine simply didn't match up. Jenna was more than anxious to go forward for her turn and she waited with a very nervous but determined expression written all over her face.


                "OK." Clare said to herself as she entered the cafeteria which surprisingly she could actually count on her fingers the persons there.

"Not going and support Jenna," Adam greeted her with a clap on the shoulder which almost startled her as he had come from behind. 

"I just came from seeing Jake. I completely forgot about the whole thing. Besides, I don't feel much like getting into all the excitement - my life isn't exactly something to cheer about right now. What about you?"

"You want me to stay with you?" asked Adam kindly, "I don't mind."

"It's OK. I have some studying to catch up on, so I'll be going to the library when I've finished lunch."

"You sure?" begged Adam. He hated seeing his friend in so much distress.

"Go!" ordered Clare teasingly as she took up her full plate from the lunch lady and took up a seat at an empty table. She suddenly lost her appetite but forced herself to take a bite. She was beginning to get used to the idea that she was always missing out on something, now more than ever.


            "Now you, Marisol!" called Chantay cheerily from the sidelines to the big upheaval of the crowd. She was second on the popular list. "Show us what you've got."

Marisol stepped up to the floor and snapped her finger to start her song which was the same one she had played just last week to demonstrate what she was bringing to the table much to the belittling of Jenna. Her routine was similar but with a few very unique and very well-loved extras. The crowd was rooting for her now and the way she flaunted her body as she did her moves made the boys hoot and holler much louder than they had for any other girl. Jenna watched with a defeated look, how was she was suppose to match up against that?

"Nice, girl!" Chantay smiled approvingly as she and Lisa nodded, "Next up, our Ms. Popular!"

The crowd cheered even louder than they had when Marisol had came on which raised Jenna's spirits immediately. She smiled to her adoring fans; that would have been the audience had she won Next Teen Star but that was a long time ago but the rush was what she had expected it would have been like.

The music started to queue in as Marisol looked on with a condescending look in her eyes, with hands crossed and a pouty mouth. Jenna looked away with confidence shining in her eyes and continued a heart-pulsing, energy-ridden routine much to the shock and disgust of Marisol and much to the crowd's pleasure. At the end of her routine where she landed with a flip and to an uproar of applause, the music stopped but Marisol was not ready to end things.

She stepped out into the spotlight and called for music which confused Chantay and Lisa but after a long, decisive look between themselves they flicked on the boom box. They were anxious to see just what she had up her sleeve.

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