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Hazel's POV

"Huh, that's too sudden, and... Difficult." He answered.

"Oh, come on. Just make it simple, describe it. That's all."

"Hmm, well... When was it–? Ah, in the cruise. I was actually expecting the common 'bad bitch', city girls with their daddy's card and all as my partner. The venue quite gave me an influence you see- but unfolding that blindfold, you look-" He paused for a moment. "Sassy."

I snorted a laugh.

"And the classic, typically the kind I'd stay away from– who would have thought you'd join me in a festive hoarde, a banquet of two in a moonlit deck." He continued while looking around to capture the whole place. "It was like– the only remarkable first encounter I'd ever have."

I can't help but smile at his words then reply. "I felt the same. That night was totally the best."

"Yeah... Anyways, what prompted you to ask about impressions all of a sudden?"

"Oh, I just wanna know what's your first impression about me." I answered his question as I stopped pushing the skating aid. To be honest here, I don't have good topic to start a conversation. Asking about impressions is what I thought about, but I'm quite curious what's his impression about me. That's why I asked.

"What about you? What's your first impression about me?" Yoshio asked.


"You're cute." I blurted out, Yoshio looked at me with a frown.


"Yeah. That was my first thought when you took off your blindfold. And I was like— Woah, he's cute."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"It's true!"

"Alright, alright. Continue."

"And I didn't expect you'll join with my bullshits. When I suggested to steal the foods, at first when you told me to go on because you're afraid the security guard will caught us, I was a little bit disappointed. But you shocked me when you rushed to the table with plates on your hands— I was really glad and all fired up."

Yoshio smirked at me. "And here I thought you're the first normal person I ever met."

"Am I still the normal one?"

The smirk in his face faded instantly. "It's what I thought but you're the craziest person as I get to know you."

I laughed. "HAHAHA!"

It wasn't an offensive statement, but what he said about my true personality was spot on. Only a few people have seen the real me, and I know the reason why is...

"You just made me feel comfortable, like I can be myself around you. I truly enjoy our time together, Yoshio." I spoke truthfully. Yoshio looked surprised for a moment upon hearing my confession, his eyes widening in surprise as he looked away.

"Ah- hmm..." After what I said, he still got that same blank expression on his face. "Well, that made me speechless. And also— uhh... y-yeah. I like hanging out with you too."

I narrowed my eyes at him and his stutters.

It smells...


"Hey, those words I said came from my heart— why you sound like you're not sincere."


We started bickering each other, our voices echoed around the rink but then we got scolded by the security guard for being too loud. After skating around and having fun, we decided to end our skating session when both of our stomachs grumbled together.

"So- what will we have for dinner?" Yoshio asked as we stepped out of the indoor ice skating rink.

"I've read something in the brochure that there's a restaurant named Cluckin Good that serves nice chicken."

"Oh, really? Well then, let's go."

As we walked hand in hand through the snowy night, the cold winter air made the world around us seem frozen in time. The silence, combined with the awkwardness, made me wonder what we could possibly talk about on our way to the restaurant. To my surprise, Yoshio was the one to break the silence by asking.

"When did you start learning how to skate?"

"Ah, um..." I stammered, trying to recall when I first started skating. Finally, I remembered. "I think I was just a kid when I learned to skate. And I practiced a lot as I grew up."

"I see. No wonder why you're good."

I playfully nudged his elbow. "You should practice so we can skate around together next time."

"No thank you."

"I can teach you!"

"Skating is a death for me."

"It's not that scary, it's fun!"

"I doubt. I can tell you've been through all of that falling and bruises when you practiced skating."

He's not wrong at all, I did fall and bruised myself a lot of times before. I just gave him a sassy look and rolled my eyes.  "Coward."

"Look here, I am no-"

I stopped walking as I spotted the chicken restaurant in the distance, I pointed to it with my hand. "There it is, we're almost there."

"I- That's a big restaurant." Yoshio commented. "Damn, I feel like their foods are expensive."

"No worries, you have a rich wife here."


"Come on, I'm hungry from all of that skating." I said and started dragging him to the restaurant.




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