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Hazel's POV

After our dinner, right now I'm washing the dishes in the kitchen, while Yoshio is tidying up the dining table. I stop for a moment, stealing a glance of him when he takes a brief look at his phone. The memory of him pulling me into a hug earlier when I was crying was still fresh in my mind.

I had a dream about my past which made me cry. And when I woke up, Yoshio was looking at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Hush now– I don't know what kind of bad dream you're having but- I'm here, you're safe."

I couldn't help but smile at his simple comforting words. And I didn't expect he suggested we'll go out tomorrow, I thought he'll just stay inside the cabin until our vacation ends.

Typical thing for introverts.

Speaking of going out, I planned to do all the winter activities tomorrow. It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait to try them all.


After putting the mugs on the dish rack, I turned to look at Yoshio. "Should we sleep early? Or stay in bed for a while and chill? Or maybe drink another hot chocolate while we're on the bed?"

"Hmm, a hot chocolate before bed would be nice." He said.

But I just finished cleaning the mugs...

"I'll make it." He said, grabbing the two mugs from the dish rack while I grabbed a pack of cocoa powder. But I froze when I caught a shadow passing by the window.

"Someone is here."

"What? Is it an intruder?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'll go check it out." I said, walking towards the door but Yoshio suddenly stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"No, it's too dangerous. Let me do it."

"It's fi-" I was cut off when there was a knock on the door, Yoshio and I looked at each other before we approached the door. He took a peek from the peephole to check who's outside.

"It's a redheaded man."


"Oh, that's my friend. Let him in."

Yoshio opened the door, revealing Tate. The redheaded man raised a hand to greet me but his gaze immediately shifted towards Yoshio.


Oh shit.

"Uh- hi, Tate! What brings you here?" I asked, grabbing his attention. Yoshio walked away to leave us alone, he went back to the kitchen to prepare the hot chocolate.

"Before that, why is he here in your cabin?" Tate asked me.

"It's just..." I trailed off, looking away as I think of what to say to Tate. "I'm dating him."




He suddenly chuckled and smiled. "I see, no wonder why you always hang out with him."

"Don't spill it to anybody, okay? Not everyone knows about our relationship."

He nodded his head and he dramatically zipped his mouth. "I won't spill. I promised."

I smiled, but I noticed Tate was holding a box, I was about to ask but I got interrupted.

"So, anyways. I'm here to tell you something."

Nostalgia ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat