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Hazel's POV

"I need help." I said, sensing his presence behind the door.

"What do you mean help, did something happen there?" He asked, with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I forgot my towel."

"Oh, I thought it's anything serious." I heard him sighed behind the door. "Also, where's your towel–?"

"I put it on the chair."


I opened the door slightly for Yoshio to give the towel to me. In few seconds, a towel was inserted in between the small gap of the door so I take it.

"Alright, here you go."

"Thank you." I closed the door and wrapped the towel around my body then left the bathroom.

"Oh right- we're going shopping today and da—" I trailed off, glancing at the wall clock to check what time is it then I realized its 5:50 in the.... IT'S ALREADY EVENING?!


Goodness, I thought it's still early in the morning. I was thinking about going on a shopping date with Yoshio but we don't have much time.

I pouted my lips and walked towards the closet to grab some comfy outfits to wear on, I went back inside the bathroom to get change and then left the bathroom again after I'm done changing.

"The odens will get cold if you don't hurry up~" He gave me another caution.

"Alright, alright." Leaving the bathroom with a messy hair and a towel on top of my head. I walked towards the table.

"Right, when will we depart for the trip?"

"Hm... Tomorrow morning, we'll leave at 5:30." I said, taking a seat on a chair and grabbed my bowl of oden. Yoshio stood up from his seat, preparing my stuffs such as my comb and even my pouch of make ups.

"Take your time to eat while I'm inside the bathroom, nature's calling."

"Okay... Eh-"

He removed the towel from my head and started drying my hair. After that, he went inside the bathroom to use the toilet.

After finishing my oden, I spent a few minutes applying light makeup, ensuring my face looked its best. Yoshio soon emerged from the bathroom, looking sharp and ready for the day in his new outfit.

"Ready to go?" He asked me, and I nodded my head.

"Mhm, let's go."

With everything is all settled and ready to go, we left the room and made our way downstairs, heading towards the garage. Our destination was the local mall, where we planned to buy some winter clothes for the upcoming trip, as well as some delicious snacks to enjoy along the way.

At exactly 5:30 A.M. the following day, we joined the other residents as we stood outside the manor. Yoshio and I had gone to the mall the previous day, making sure to buy all the necessary items for the winter trip before the store closed. We both looked like crazy mentally unstable patients that escaped from a mental hospital. But despite the urgency of our task, we were able to complete our shopping. Here we are right now, standing outside the mansion, I'm staring at the huge bus in awe.


"Well... Would you look at that." Yoshio commented, standing next to me.

I just realized something.

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