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Hazel's POV


The pinked haired lady, Rafaela Austin, looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed. I shake my head and repeat my answer.

"No, I am not going with Quincy." I said.

"Why not?" Rafaela asked as she went back looking at the clipboard in her hands. "I'm sure you two will get along."

"No, no, no, she and I will never get along. You do know Quincy loves to flirt women, right?"


I heaved a sigh. "Just get me another partner please, Raf."

Rafaela glanced at me before she flipped the papers to check something. "Then, Tristan will do."


"No." I declined right away, Rafaela turned her body to look at me, she placed her right knuckle on her hip.

"Okay, you're being choosy right now, Hazel."

"I have my reason."

"And what's the reason?"

I have countless of reasons why I refused Tristan to be my partner. It's not like I don't like him, it's just that we had a crazy fight last night. Oh God, thinking about it makes me cringe.

"First of all, I am so embarrassed what happened last night." Long story short, I was drunk last night and I was flirting a random stranger in the bar. Then Tristan came, who was drunk as well, he threw a spoon at me out of nowhere. And in revenge, I threw a plate of turkey at him. Then we threw different stuffs at each other, messing the whole bar and in the end, I german suplex him and he passed out.

I reasoned out, telling Rafaela the last night incident even though she knew about it.

"Look, it'll be chaotic if he and I sees each other again. I'd rather pair up with someone else." I said, Rafaela frowned again.

"Oh my God, Hazel." She heaved a sigh, checking the paper on the clipboard. "The only people left is Tristan Inder and Hatanaka Yoshio."

Hatanaka Yoshio?

I have no idea about him, but hopefully this man is fun to be with.

"I'll pick this Hatanaka boy then."

"Alright then. Guess Tristan will be paired up with Quincy."

I pursed in my lips to prevent myself from smiling in victory.

What's all about this partnering anyways? Well, there will be an upcoming fun event this coming Saturday. The event is called 'Blind Date', this date event doesn't focus on romance alone, the purpose of this event is to socialize and get to know the other residents, there will be games and foods, the residents are going to love it.

"Alright, that settles then." Rafaela said. I literally pushed aside my breakfast just to come all the way here to change my partner. When I looked at my message this early morning that I'll be paired up with a flirtatious lesbian woman, I immediately went straight to Rafaela's office. But hey, good thing I'm here at her office, she gave me a full course breakfast.

I raised my mug of coffee as I munched my egg sandwich. "Thanks for the food, Raf."

"No problem."

Rafaela Austin, a pretty young lady with a rosy pink hair. Her blue eyes were striking, like an ocean waves on a warm summer day. She's my best friend, and the mistress of the LaGuardia Mansion.

She has a huge responsibility. And that responsibility is taking care a huge house with over 10 residents.

Quite a long story how she ends up as a mistress of the manor. I'm only her (useless) assistant. Things changed a lot years ago. The former lord of the manor was Evander LaGuardia, he retired and live a normal life with his wife, he sell the huge house and all the previous residents parted ways, except me and Rafaela. We chose to stay in the house. Until one day, an old lady, a tycoon, bought the manor and she became the new owner. She wanted to continue the legacy of giving shelters for the adolescents and teenagers. I was supposed to be a headmistress but because of some reasons that happened to me in the past, the owner made Rafaela to be the headmistress instead and give her the responsibility to take care of the manor and the residents, meanwhile... this new owner of ours is always away, due to important business.

"I didn't expect we will have another new event in this cruise ship." Yes, we're currently in the huge cruise ship. Villaflor Oroq, that's the name of the cruise ship I'm in right now. It's one of the largest ships in the world, with thousands of cabin rooms, swimming pools, beautiful venues, and more restaurants than one could possibly count, the ship is a paradise, filled with endless luxuries.

After what I said, Rafaela looked at me and smile, taking a sip of her tea.

"Our cruise ship trip is an important opportunity to engage with the residents and build relationships. However, we also need to ensure that we're providing a range of activities and experiences that meet their diverse interests and preferences. Hosting another event will give us the chance to learn what they enjoy and give them with more opportunities to participate in activities that interest them. By offering a variety of events, we can help foster a sense of community and connection among the residents, and create a memorable experience for all."

"Mhmm, yeah, I get it."

Rafaela's goal is to create a comfortable and welcoming home for all the residents. She wants to ensure that everyone feels satisfied and happy in their living space. And she doesn't appreciate it when the residents act like strangers towards each other. The welcoming party last week was a success, but I think it's not enough to break the ice. Perhaps more events or activities could help the residents get to know each other better.

"By the way, did you take the jar of honey that I gave you for your hangover? You drank a lot of alcohol last night."

"Yep, I did. Thanks, Raf."

"You're always welcome." She bobbed her head. "But next time, Hazel. Don't cause a trouble. You do know you're my assistant, right?"

A useless assistant.

I just nod my head. "I'm sorry, I won't do that again."

I actually have a high tolerance in alcohol but last night got me wasted because of that strong vodka.

I wiped my lips with a napkin then all of the sudden my phone started vibrating in my jeans pocket.

"Excuse me for one moment." I said, fishing my phone out of my pocket and waving it at Rafaela to let her know I'll be taking a call.

She nods her head and I stood up from my seat, about to leave. "Sorry about that."

"No problem." Rafaela responds with a small smile. "And please don't forget to be careful next time, okay?"

"Got it." I replied, nodding in agreement. "Talk to you soon."

"Bye, and don't cause any trouble again." She teasingly adds with a smirk.

"Fine, fine," I rolled my eyes jokingly before saying my goodbyes and left the office.




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