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Hazel's POV

After having fun in the amusement park, we're heading our way to the arcade to have another fun.

"We should go back to Okayama and visit our parents." Hikaru suggests, bringing up the idea of visiting our parents' resting place. Right, it's been a while since the last time I visited them.

"Yeah, we should. I missed our home and our parents." I agreed, I suddenly thought about renovating my parents house.

"That's great! I don't have work so I can actually have a vacation in Japan and have fun with you."


Hikaru and I had a blast at the arcade, playing several virtual games and even sing our hearts out in the karaoke room. It feels like we're back being teenagers, it was really fun. After that, we had lunch at McDonalds then we went to the mall shopping for some new clothes to wear on our vacation. Hikaru has a great fashion sense, he's inspired by those handsome men he had seen in all kdramas and cdramas, and his outfit choices reflect to that. We walked around, admiring the latest fashion trends and discussing what clothes to buy, it took us hours though.

Afterwards, the sun is now setting and it's time to go back to the manor to start preparing for our trip.


"Hm? What is it?" I looked at Hikaru who just suddenly cursed the moment we left the mall. "Did you forgot something?"

"I forgot my coat, my car keys are there."

"Oh, then go get it, I'll wait for you at the car."

"Alright, I'll be right back." Hikaru said as he jogged back inside the mall to get his coat. I went to the parking lot at the basement but I sensed someone is following me...

I abruptly turned around only to see there's no one behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows, checking around for a while before I continued walking. As I got closer to Hikaru's car, someone comes out behind the vehicle.

A beggar?

The man was glaring at me as if I've done something wrong. I just stood there, composed. I glanced at the CCTV camera then I gazed at the stranger.

Why does he look so familiar? Those... Eyes...

The strange man looked disheveled, he was wearing a torn outfit. Dark brown trench coat, with a hat and an unmatched muddy boots.

I decided to turn away and planned to head back to the mall but I stopped in my tracks when the strange man started talking.

"So... This is you after all these years, huh..." The man muttered, I turned around to face him, the strange man was pointing his finger at me.

What is wrong with him?


And how did he know my name?

"Look at you... It annoys me so much because you're living such a good life." He's grinning at me and it's so creepy. What's got into him?

I heaved a sigh, running my fingers through my hair as I question the man. "Excuse me, sir. Do I kno-"

I was cut off when this man suddenly yelled at me.


H u h???



Huh, what is he talking about? Me? Clinging to him??

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