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Hazel's POV

"Zzz.... I told you, Susan... There's no toilet papers yet..."

On that tranquil and quiet evening, the black-haired lad was sleeping on his bed while mumbling about... Susan? Yeah, I don't know but it's really entertaining to watch. Yoshio was hugging a pillow tightly and here I am, standing beside his bed, watching him sleep talking. I leaned closer to his ear, my breath brushes against his skin as I whisper.


"HOLY FUC-" Yoshio jolted awake and hugged his pillow and blankets, looking startled and scared to death. I waved my hand with a smile, greeting him a hello.

"Good evening. Are you just gonna sleep here and letting me wait?"

"What- what's the occasion? What date is today?" He asked, I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Uhm... April 19th?"

"April 19th? Year???"

"Uh... 2022?"

"2022? Wha-" Yoshio then looked at his door. "And how did you get in here? Did you use the door??"

I shake my head sideways and pointed my thumb at the window, Yoshio's jaw dropped. He might be thinking I'm intruding but does he remember I knocked on the door first and he opened it? He was sleep walking earlier. But he goes back to sleep after he ushered me inside his room.

"You— you could have knocked, there's a DOOR??"

He stood up, leaving the bed and walked towards the door. He then held his palm to the door, knocked on it, then opened the door. He did the Khabe Lame gesture. I just playfully rolled my eyes.

"But seriously, have you forgotten?" Straight to the point, I questioned. "I'm looking forward for our food date, I made a lot of reservations in all restaurants around the world."

Yoshio furrowed his eyebrows as he let out a sigh. "Well damn, doesn't that look like I'm just a piece of shit now- ah, okay. Hang on, let me change."

He slapped himself, heading inside the bathroom to get change. Then he returned, only wearing a jacket. He doesn't mind going out wearing pajamas and a jacket?

"Let's go."

"Ah-" I snapped out from my thoughts. "Alright."

"So what restaurant should we go first? We have Chinese restaurant, Korean restaurant, Japanese restaurant, French restaurant, Italian, what? Oh— Filipino restaurant, or do you want to go McDonalds?" I started naming all the restaurants I knew as I held out seven fingers.

"Man, I don't know shit about them, let's just pick the nearest one and go." Yoshio rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh.

"Mang inasal!"

"Mang- what? What's that?" He tilted his head to the side, questioning to the mentioned name.

I stared at the man beside me. Then I realized the restaurant is only familiar to Filipinos, plus there's no Mang Inasal here in Seattle.

I take a deep breath and reconsider.

"Alright, let's go to the Japanese restaurant. Kiku-Raku."

"Now we're talking, I didn't eat breakfast and lunch for this." Yoshio said, sounding so proud on what he did. Well, same here. I didn't eat either. "But what are we taking, a bus or what?"

"Kiku-Raku isn't that far, we can just walk." I answered his question as I shoved my hands inside my pocket jeans. We strolled along the dimly lit, deserted street, with nothing but the faint glow of the lampposts and the moon illuminating our path, it didn't feel so foreboding at all.

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