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Hazel's POV

The trip came to an end, with everyone aboard made lots of memories that will last a lifetime. The trip was filled with fun and excitement, leaving all of us with unforgettable experiences. As soon as we returned to the manor, everything returned to normal and we went back to our usual daily routine. Those who had made friends on the cruise ship soon took advantage of their newfound relationships, hanging out and spending time together.

Three weeks has passed by since the trip ended, I was busy with my modeling career, school projects and my exams, so I wasn't always around in the manor.

After my exams and I finished all of my works and my projects, I finally returned to the manor.

"Welcome back, Miss Eleanor. How was your exams, ma'am?" Aira greeted me the moment I entered the house.

"Hello, Aira... It's been a while..."

"Seems that the exams fucked you up pretty hard, huh." She joked.

"Totally, it was tiring but I'm glad it's over, I can finally get some rest and do shits whatever I want."

"I'm surprised that you held your thirst for alcohol-"

I stopped walking when she mentioned the word 'alcohol'.

I gasped, turning around to face Aira. "Since exams are done, it's time for DRINKING!!!"

"Absolutely, no."










"Yeah, no."

"Tsk." I frowned, Aira stared at me with a stern expression. I guess I'll sneak downstairs in the middle of the night just to grab a liquor or beers from the kitchen. Yeah, yeah. Good idea. "Anyways... How are the residents doing?"

"The residents are doing fine and busy as usual, going off to work and hang out with their friends. No complaints and issues."

"I see, where's Rafaela?"

"The headmistress has a shift today."

"Aah..." I bobbed my head after knowing Rafaela has a shift, she's not only just a headmistress of this house but she's a nurse too.

I fish out my phone from my pocket and opened my canvas app to check what's my due date today. Turns out my professors just published so many activities and homeworks. I just got home and exams are done, and this is what they gave me? I groaned and rubbed my eyes in frustration.

"Miss Eleanor, next week there will be a movie marathon event on Monday, April 18th." Aira informed.

"A party?"

"Yes, it's not a fancy party. Everyone is required to wear their pajamas and watch movies together in the living room. The Headmistress hosted it."

"I see..." I checked my calendar in my phone to see if I can join.

April 18th...

And here I thought I can finally get some rest since exams are over... I can't believe I still have onsite classes next week.




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