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Hazel's POV




I gasped and opened my eyes, waking up from my terrible dream. My heart was pounding and my body was trembling and covered in sweat. I sat up, looking around then I realized I'm not in my bedroom but in my classroom, all alone.




"Shit." I cursed underneath my breath, running my fingers through my hair and covered my face with my palms. "Damn it... That dream scare the crap out of me."

My mind is still reeling from the nightmarish images that just played out, I inhale and exhale. I tried to calm myself down, telling myself that it was just a bad dream, yeah... Just a bad dream.




I glanced at my phone beside me, I saw Hikaru's name flashing in my phone screen. I take a deep breath again, wiping the tears and sweats with my hand before answering the call.

"He- hello..." My voice broke.

"Zel? Are you alright? I just feel like something is wrong so I called you."

I let out a heavy sigh before I answer. "I just had a bad dream..."

"Oh, is it the same dream again?"

"Mhm... I was scared, I thought that it's over, everything is over... I thought I'm over with it but it still haunts me."

I heaved a sigh while massaging the temples of my forehead. I was scared and trembling that this nightmare will ruin me again, I've gone through a lot of tough things in the past, it took me years to accept the truth, it took me years to fix myself then this nightmare is coming back?

Please... I just want to live a peaceful life.

"Hey, hey, Zel." Hikaru called me.


"Zel... Hey, listen to me. Everything is going to be alright, okay? Don't think too much about it, don't think too much about the nightmare and your past. It's alright now, you're safe. I know how much your past has caused you pain. But remember that you're not alone. I'm here for you. Okay? It's going to be alright."

Listening to Hikaru's words comforted me, and it almost made me cry. Damn it, for the first time in years I can't believe I had the same nightmare. I always thought I'm healed and this nightmare won't visit me anymore.

I sniffled and nodded my head. "Mhm. Thanks a lot, Hikaru."

"Hey, why don't we talk something to forget about it, hm? Let's calm you down first."


I chatted with Hikaru for a while until I calmed down and the trembling stopped. But then, the school security guard caught me and advised me to go home immediately since the school will be close soon. I gathered up my things and left the classroom, and I just found out its past 9 in the evening, I must've dozed off in the classroom due to exhaustion from the school workload.

Geez... Why they did not wake me up?

I was on my way to my sportsbike at the parking lot, then all of the sudden my phone rang, I fish out my phone from my pocket and saw Rafaela's name in my screen, I answered the call.

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