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Hazel's POV

"You know, I really love it when someone enjoys the foods I cook."

I'm happy when someone loves the dishes I cook. I used to cook a lot of foods back then, practicing and improving my cooking skills, eager to create the perfect dish. Ever since I became a mother, I thought about learning how to cook and dream about making delicious meals for my kids and husband. Unfortunately, I lost them all.

"Guess my hungry ass is being helpful at all." Yoshio commented. I can't help but smile at his remark then my feet led me to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and search for some ingredients to cook. Suddenly, the same friendly chef appeared and greeted me.

"Good evening, Miss Eleanor. Are you here to cook again? We'll prepare the ingredients for you." He said.

"Mhm! Sure, I would love that. Thank you so much." I replied

I watched the chef as he began preparing the ingredients and the cooking utensils. I tried to recall his name, and I knew he's one of Tate's disciples; he often helped me preparing the ingredients and cooking utensils each time I want to cook.

Hmm... Was it Shawn or Fawn? I don't know, maybe I should ask.

"Excuse me," I called to the friendly chef while he was preparing the cooking utensils. The man immediately turned to face me and responded.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"If it's not too rude to ask, may I know your name?" I asked.

"Oh, my name is Sean Choi." The chef responded with a smile, and my curiosity was instantly piqued.

Oh, so it's Sean Choi, not Shawn or Fawn.

"Mhm, chef Choi. It's just that I had a feeling that you were one of Tate's students." I nodded my head knowingly.

"Yes, ma'am." Sean replied eagerly. "I am one of Sir Norris' students."

When Sean continued his business. Yoshio appeared, standing beside me as he asks. "Damn, just how many chefs do we have here in this huge kitchen?"

"We have 8 chefs in this kitchen." I replied.

"That many?!"

"Yeah. After all... We have a lot of tenants living here."

"Yeah, right. So what are we going to do after dinner?"

I turned to look at Yoshio, lowering my voice like a whisper that only he can hear me. "We're going to watch 'corn' tonight...!"

His eyes widened in shock. "I- What?"




"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" I beamed one last time and snapped my fingers. "Now let's prepare a lot of snacks."

"I-" He looks like he's about to complain but he heaved a deep sigh. "How did you became my friend again?"

For tonight's dinner, I cooked a lot of dish. A Shepard's pie, chao fan, gimbaps, and popcorn chicken. I prepared nachos, chips and dips, and a bowl of strawberries for dessert and a bowl of radish.

After cooking and preparing all of them, I served the foods on the table.

"Let's eat them in my room." Yoshio suggested.

"Now what 'corn' are we going to watch? I haven't touched 'corn' sites in a long while." Yoshio asked, we just arrived in his room after we carried all the dishes.

And why is he still censoring the word when it's just the two of us here inside his room?

"What do you prefer? 'Cornhub' or 'taihen'?" I asked.

"The fuck is taihen, is that food?"

"It's hentai, you idiot."

"Oh- that? Wait- why are we making names about them again?"

"Should we watch something randomly?"


Yoshio didn't respond, I turned to look at the man and he's staring at me with a judgemental expression.

"Pick whatever you want, I'll just-" He didn't finish his word and locked the door.


I take out my laptop from my bag, and turning the incognito mode as I started typing the website.


I almost type the wrong word.


Oh, dear. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I can't help but snorted a laugh as I searched for some videos to watch. I grabbed my pair of chopsticks and picked one piece of radish before putting it into my mouth and chew it.

"Connect it to the TV so we can watch it better."

Yoshio demanded, taking two pieces of gimbap from the plate, eating it as he sat down beside me.

"Just how do we connect this? Bluetooth?" I looked up, squinting my eyes at the TV right in front of us.

"How would I know? I never touched that thing!" Yoshio gobbled up the gimbaps. "Ugh, forget it, let's just watch on the laptop."

Changing his mind, he opened a can of beer that he got from the ice bucket.

"Okay, fine." I clicked the resume button as the video continued playing. I picked some foods on my plate and start eating them.

"Hey... What video is this-?" Yoshio asked. "The woman is pretty."

All women there are pretty, obviously.

"I have no idea, I just randomly picked the video." I replied, I heard Yoshio coughing beside me, meanwhile I'm too busy eating the Shepard's pie.

Even though we tone down the volume of the video so no one can hear what we're watching, the only thing that's noisy is us chewing the foods and blowing the foods in our mouths, and also the sound of how we sipped our drinks dramatically because of the erotic scene.

"Oh. My."

"The beard man is hot."

"Wow she's pretty dominant."

"The beard man is bottom."

We are too immersed to the show that I didn't notice Yoshio was eating my bowl of radish all this time. Even though the show is getting more erotic, the two of us have to cover our eyes but open a small gap between our fingers to see what happens next. Like... Oh my gosh, look at him he's ramming her so hard.


The scene is getting more wilder and hotter.

"Holy cow. Where did you picked this? Give that video a complete star."

"I told you, I have no idea."

"No matter what happens after this, don't fuck someone. I swear- but holy hot damn, indeed." Yoshio commented, I looked at him with my judgemental face.

"What the fuck, why would I do that?"

"The beard guy saved up all his luck from his previous lives to be this lucky."

"Inde-" I was cut off when the beard man and the pretty lady switched their positions then he started banging her too hard, now its the beard man's turn to be dominant. Although, I grimaced at the lady's camera angle.

"I CAN'T!" I covered my mouth with my palm.

"Dude, the cameraman held grudges on the lady, what the hell- she suddenly looks ugly in that angle."

We just keep drinking, eating and watching until the floor is full of empty cans of beer and we finished all of the foods.

"Our livers and innocence are so dead after this." Yoshio said, making his slurps audible. "Jeez... They're doing hardcore!"

"We can just buy another liver- but innocence? We need an ocean of holy water." I replied but I smelled something's off. "Wait... What's burning-?"

"What, what do you mean burning?" Yoshio turned to me but all of the sudden my laptop explodes.





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